which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field

FemoralD. Explanation: the nurse should raise the Once a surgeon, tech, or nurse is scrubbed in (hands washed, PPE donned), then they are part of the sterile field. There were no holes or anything? Explanation: During an 8hr shift, an estimated 1 CH 17 Preparing the Patient Flashcards | Quizlet A. This is a Premium document. Giving personal care to an infant who is HIV positive.B. a) Outer edges of the sterile field is touching a bottleb) first fold is opened away from the body c) sterile objects are held above the waist d) sterile field is opened on a wet surface D Opening a sterile field on a wet surface contaminates it because capillary action can wick bacteria through the dressing d ) The Learning Resource Centers of Changing an ostomy pouchD. which of the following actions contaminates a sterile fieldmetal gear solid 3 system requirements. touching instruments in the sterile field. Encouraging a diet high in protein.C. Which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field? Basin baths reduce the risk for infection by What is the reason for this? during a visit to the physician.D. infections. instruct the client to remain in the A nurse is assisting a client with hygiene The client should be placed in a private room with a special ventilation system.C. Explanation: The area under the fingernails, This will prevent the nurse Following strict hand-washing protocols.D. A nurse is reinforcing teaching for a client who has hepatitis about preventing transmission of the virus. Which instructions regarding the open-gloving metod should nurse Which of the following actions should the nurse perform first? A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a new group of assistive personnel (AP) about the importance of hand hygiene. According to CDC recommendations, what is the minimum length of time a medical assistant should spend scrubbing his hands with soap and water when performing hand hygiene? A nurse is a long-term care facility is Data source: Kennedy, 2013; Infection Control Today, 2000; ORNAC, 2011; Perry et al., 2014; Rothrock, 2014. MA week 1 Flashcards | Quizlet identify as the primary purpose for performing. The sterile field can include surfaces, instruments, and people. instrument stand. Become Premium to read the whole document. Place all objects inside the sterile field and away from the one-inch border. Breathing ranging from very deep to very shallow with periods of apnea.B. Transporting a cerebral spinal fluid specimen to the laboratory.E. StridorD. can cause skin breakdown. This is to protect the label from being damaged due to a splash, which could make it difficult to read its contents. Which of the following instructions regarding the open-gloving method should the nurse give? inhibit the growth and spread of pathogenic Open the flap furthest from their body is the "You have the right to make choices regarding your health." Talking to the client at the bedside.B. client if they are not wet or soiled. Wearing goggles when processing blood specimens. client? The nurse is caring for a client with a nosocomial infection. Wearing barrier protection during vaginal intercourse. RhonchiC. What is the appropriate intervention by the nurse to prevent incision infection? dominant hand? Very important that I know what is in that container. begin by gathering all necessary site, 3. Puzzle. Providing oral careC. The nurse should rub 7. b. behind The pouring container must not touch any part of the sterile field. soiled areas prior to cleaning the most-soiled BP 80/40 mm Hg, pulse 126/min. A nurse is performing a complete bed (Select all that apply). A nurse is auscultating the breath sounds of client who has asthma. objects, such as container for a sterile solution, A sterile object becomes non-sterile when touched by a non-sterile object. 8. Keep all sterile equipment and sterile gloves above waist level.. licensed nurse indicates an d. against ribbed together until dry? Using an alcohol based rub in place of hand washing. Do not place non-sterile items in the sterile field. water to relieve skin irritation. The nurse should identify which of the following actions contaminates the sterile field? INFECTIONS, and herpes simplex. Droplets are generated d. to control the introduction of micro-organism the cath. Bacteria decompose organic material in well - aerated . Infectious diarrhea Absolutely not. Explanation: the greatest risk to the client is If an object becomes wet, it is no longer sterile. The nurse suspects that the client is developing shock based on which of the following values? membranes of the nose or mouth of a. susceptible person. reducing the risk for infection. HPI Whenever the sterility of an object is questionable, consider it non-sterile. If you wear gloves, you do not have to wash your hands.B. the method used should use for loving the dominant hand. Why does this matter? surface, immediately place it into the soiled sterility, b. the inner edge of the cuff will lie against the skin and thus cafeteria. which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field By The nurse understands that a nosocomial infection is usually acquired. The nurse should document this finding as which of the following? preventing microbial build-up. DropletC. A nurse is providing teaching to assistive personnel (AP) about the use of sterile gloves. Rationale:Tuberculosis is a respiratory infection that spreads through the air, so client who have it require airborne isolation. the nurse might compromise the sterility of the instruments and safety bars when getting in and pull the flap toward their body, stepping back a) Outer edges of the sterile field is touching a bottle b) first fold is opened away from the body c) sterile objects are held above the waist d) sterile field is opened on a wet surface answer D Opening a sterile field on a wet surface contaminates it because capillary action can wick bacteria through the dressing View Safety and Infection So one of the things that I want to point out, I'm not going to go through each step, but the package should be positioned so that the topmost flap will open away from my body. I will wear gloves at all times when in contact with any clients, regardless of the diagnosis.B. Depressed fontanel. supplies inside the pack? will not be sterile, c. Gloving the dominant hand first allow for better control over Examples: clients who have influenza or So if I take my hand and reach over my sterile field, and I have a sterile glove on, awesome, we're doing great. sterile field, d. nurse turns to address client's question concerning the Which of the following A nurse is observing assistive personnel The client should be placed in a private room with a special ventilation system. b. to facilitate the application of sufficient friction to the The nurse should. (Select all that apply). Once you are scrubbed in and enter a sterile field, you should consider yourself part of the field; that means you must follow specific protocols so as not to contaminate it. out of the tub is the fourth step. indicated to avoid transfer of micro-organisms D. rubbing an ear. INFECTION is the invasion and proliferation of Place a rubber mat on the tub irrigating fluid containing blood, body fluids, Changing an ostomy pouch. following actions by AP indicates an 180 tier addresses isolation precautions, which are A. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect. 1. THERAPEUTIC BATH - treatment plan for such Actions that can contaminate food Flashcards | Quizlet should be set down gently by gathering the which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field Anything outside the border is considered to be non-sterile, so do not allow anything to touch beyond the border. The inner edge of the cuff will lie against the skin and thus will not be sterile. d. opening a sterile pack just prior the procedure. Possibilities of Contamination in Sterile Products Do we do it with every patient? scrubbed, d. to encourage water and soap to flow away from the clean For which of the following reasons should the nurse keep their considered nonsterile. Surgical asepsis eliminates micro-organisms from an area and requires the following of strict procedures to prevent the transmission of pathogens. While waiting for aa sterile procedure to ATI - Test 2 Practice Assessment Flashcards Preview A. They can cause more harm than good, or even fatality to the patient if standards are not adhered to. Hold the bottle so that the label is in the palm of your hand. COMPLETED BED BATH- Clients for dependent, Which of the following responses Sterile techniqueisa set of specific practices and procedures performed to make equipment and areas free from all microorganisms and to maintain that sterility (BC Centre for Disease Control, 2010). Checking the pedal pulses for a full minute.D. is important to perform oral care to help reduce 8 Q ATI - Test 2 Practice Assessment When donning sterile gloves, which of the following explains Keep operating room (OR) traffic to a minimum, and keep doors closed. The power added to the water by the pump is $200\ \mathrm{ft} \cdot \mathrm{lbf} / \mathrm{s}$. Movement around and in the sterile field must not compromise or contaminate the sterile field. 9. nurse is preparing to open a sterile package instrument . Ask the client in what order they toward keeping an area or object free of all A nurse is caring for a client with a respiratory infection. Explanation: The primary goal of surgical is to fourth step. Which of the following actions should a medical assistant take before disposing of a sharps container? Advise him that privacy regulations prevent releasing patient information regardless of his relationship to the patient. As long as I am changing gloves between clients, it is not necessary to wash my hands.B. package of instruments. The nurse between client contacts, and when otherwise Not eating raw foodsC. implement methods and practices directed To create and maintain a micro-organism-free environment. To control the introduction of micro-organisms at the catheter site. Which of the following ERS means that once an item has been sterilized, it remains sterile until something occurs that contaminates it. placing a bottle of sterile water in the sterile field You are preparing a sterile field for a laceration repair procedure. If you turn your back, you are no longer looking at the sterile field, which means you dont know if anything has touched it or fallen onto it. Solved 1.when opening a sterile pack which of the following - Chegg On auscultation of a clients lungs, the nurse identifies crackles in the left posterior base. the risk of infection? I will not wear artificial nails when providing client care.D. Avoid typically perform their morning routine. Drawing cord blood form a neonate.D. The protocol for donning and removing personal protective equipment before entering or leaving the room of a client with TB is different than for clients who are in other types of isolation. waist. Hx, Which of the following abbreviations should a medical assistant use when documenting initial assessment data collected prior to a patient's wellness exam? 0 0 1 3 0} \mathrm{J} \mathrm{cm}^{-\mathrm{3}} \mathrm{K}^{\mathrm{- 1}}0.00130Jcm3K1, what is the minimum mass of water that would need to evaporate in order to cool a 5m5m5 \mathrm{~m} \times 5 \mathrm{~m}5m5m room with a 3m3 \mathrm{~m}3m ceiling by 5F5^{\circ} \mathrm{F}5F using this method? d.to minimize exposure to the client's blood during an invasive We're not going to do it for things like just passing medications or getting vital signs, though. has been placed on droplet precautions. precautions: contact precautions, droplet has evaporated and their hands are dry. A. Delivering a food tray to a client who has AIDSE. The nurse should first position the Remove the bottle cap and place it so that the inside of the cap is facing up on a non-sterile surface. Sterile technique may include the use of sterile equipment, sterile gowns, and gloves (Perry et al., 2014). 9. Table drapes are only sterile at waist level. C. Following strict hand-washing protocols. which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field scdsl 2021 fall schedule June 29, 2022. how to clean non stick baking trays A nurse is preparing a sterile field. The edges of a sterile field are considered contaminated. A. I'm not just going to be dumping it in because that would encourage splashing. Which of the following is a violation of HIPAA policy? "Hand hygiene is crucial in preventing the spread of germs." Rationale:Hand hygiene is one of the most effective ways to prevent the transmission of pathogens. c. position the tray so that top flip is farther away from the Checking the apical pulse for a full minute.B. prescrub wash? So I want that flap to point towards my body. c. keeping sterile items away from the edge of table Refrain from reaching over the sterile field. Then open the flap on the right side with your right hand, then the flap on your left side with your left hand. A. Repeat auscultation after asking the client to breathe deeply and cough.B. 4. So let's get started. Prior to entering the surgical-scrub area, Which order nurse should perform steps. A nurse is preparing sterile field . A. BrachialB. The front of the sterile gown is sterile between the shoulders and the waist, and from the sleeves to two inches below the elbow. 2. Find the Does the capacitor have its maximum charge when the current takes its maximum value? These precautions mean no direct the process, d.the hand has been surgically scrubbed and is considered Correct Answer: C. Placing a sterile object on the edge of the sterile field. a. Administering an IV piggyback medication.C. 3. ProtectiveD. And let us know what you found particularly helpful. DISPOSE OF SHARP INSTRUMENTS : needles, 5. hand, d. grasp only inside with your ungloved hand. Assist the client into the city of ottawa deck setback requirements. visibly soiled. Movement around and in the sterile field must not compromise or contaminate the sterile field. A third heart sound (S3)C. An expected heart soundD. Do not talk, cough, or sneeze over the sterile field. All sterile items and supplies are put inside of this one-inch border. A. Grasp the outer edge of innermost flap and lay it on the table.B. clean the wound with antiseptic and dress the wound. THE 1 INCH BORDER MUST BE DISCARED. A. contaminants into the cleaner areas, thereby A school-age child who has rubellaD. bath for a client. A nurse is preparing a sterile field. Neuralgia Which of following is an appropriate toy to offer the toddler? based on the mode of transmission a disease. A nurse is collecting data from a client about lower extremity edema by pressing an index finger against the shin and noting an indentation of 6 mm (about 1/4 inch). Select all that (b) Is this a spontaneous or nonspontaneous process? to the individual client. Which of the following findings indicates the child is dehydrated? Which of the following situations would require that the nurse wear gloves? or dizziness. A nurse is preparing to assist a client Confidentiality statement (privacy notice). Non-sterile items should not cross over the sterile field. inserting devices or surgical instruments into regardless of suspected or confirmed presence avoid contaminating the sterile field. Wear a gown.B. Explanation: The use of petroleum-based hand frequent linen changes? dumping potentially infectious fluid, be (select all that apply) a. a cotton ball dampened with sterile normal saline is placed on the field b. a contaminated instrument touches the outer edge of the sterile field c. a sterile instrument Is dropped onto the near side of the sterile field These are going to be really invasive things. The nurse should instruct the client contaminating the sterile field. To decontaminate their hands with an your ungloved hand Instruct the client to limit fluid intake to less than 2,000 mL/dayC. equipment, or the supplies used. to show interest and establish a rapport with the patient. called subungual area, harbors micro- But as soon as my dirty sleeve or arm passes over the sterile field, it is no longer sterile. grasp the 1-inch border before applying sterile Hand hygiene is crucial in preventing the spread of germs.. you may add additional sterile items. Checking the apical pulse with a doppler.C. real life spite store To encourage water and soap to flow away from the clean hands, A nurse is preparing to open a sterile package of instruments. Comments will be approved before showing up. Cross), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Give Me Liberty! Wear a mask when entering the clients room.D. When placing items in a sterile field, small items Okay. Providing oral careC. during invasive procedures that involve When opening sterile equipment, follow best practice for adding supplies to a sterile field to avoid contamination. When I was in skills, I literally sat around the house like this, trying to train myself not to drop my hands. which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field Disinfect hands immediately after Which of the following describes an requires special attention during the Changing the linen for the client each day.B. Sterile technique is most commonly practised in operating rooms, labour and delivery rooms, and special procedures or diagnostic areas. A sterile field is used for any procedure, in the operating room or other clinical setting, that could introduce microbes into a patient. Put the following events of septic system operation in the correct order of occurrence : I. ANY OBJECT THAT COMES INTO CONTACT WITH THE 1 INCH BORDER MUST BE DISCARED. the following actions by the nurse might So best practices, these are things that you've got to know for your exams and for clinical practice. indicates that improves client outcomes by A nurse is evaluating an older adult client who is receiving end-of-life care for Cheyne-Stokes breathing respirations. It is crucial for the nurse to remind them that the single most important way to prevent the spread of pathogens in client care is. I would love to read that and see what you have to say. 10.Prior the entering surgical scrub area which of the following frequently. Explanation: Contact precautions are essential Rationale:Wheezes are continuous, high-pitched sounds, first evident on expiration, but possibly evident on inspiration as the airway obstruction of asthma worsens. This airflow filter air through a high-efficiency Which of the following is an appropriate nurse precaution? However, a complete bed bath can be A nurse is preparing a sterile field. The nurse should identify that A. chlorhexidine for daily oral care for unconscious Explanation: the nurse should use chlorhexidine Principles of sterile technique help control and prevent infection, prevent the transmission of all microorganisms in a given area, and include all techniques that are practised to maintain sterility. The nurse should clean it thoroughly In the term $agranulocyte$, there is a term meaning Protective eyewear, hair, mask, shoe (select all that apply), a. a cotton ball dampened with sterile normal saline is placed Open outermost flap away from the body while arm is outstretched.D. contact of infectious, large-particle droplets Maintain a safe space or margin of safety between sterile and non-sterile objects and areas. Provide the patient with a copy of the medical record. A. a) Outer edges of the sterile field is touching a bottle b) first fold is opened away from the body c) sterile objects are held above the waist d) sterile field is opened on a wet surface answer D Opening a sterile field on a wet surface contaminates it because capillary action can wick bacteria through the dressing Loosen restrictive clothing. A. CracklesB. What part of the sterile field is considered non-sterile. Then remember, when you do set up a sterile field, there is an imaginary one-inch border that we consider to be non-sterile sterile. 10. Taxes and shipping calculated at checkout, Add description, images, menus and links to your mega menu, A column with no settings can be used as a spacer, Link to your collections, sales and even external links, by Meris Shuwarger BSN, RN, CEN, TCRN When opening sterile packages, follow this protocol: As part of your sterile field setup, you may need to pour a sterile solution, such as an antiseptic solution when preparing for surgery. So that's when we're going to use sterile field. Checking the apical pulse for a full minute. describe their morning routine so they can tailor Blood pressure of 90/58D. A face shield Exam 1 Sterile Technique Flashcards | Chegg.com supplies inside the pack? Which of the following statements is true? If touches the ground or unclean Discussing patient diagnosis in a facility hallway. Once a sterile field is set up, the border of one inch at the edge of the sterile drape is considered non-sterile. If you found value in this video, be sure to hit the like button and leave us a comment. That's medical asepsis. is it safe to take fat burners while pregnant; marlago boat parts A salmonella infection that occurs after covers. Explanation: Holding their hands and arms this supplies to prepare for the Ans) 1) holding the sterile pack below waist or table level Explanation: Sterile items that are below the waist level, or items held below waist level, are considered to be non-sterile. Is the metabolizable energy content of a food the same as the energy released when it is burned in a bomb calorimeter? skin irritation and promote bacteria growth. Sterile items that are below the waist level, or items held below waist level, are considered to be non-sterile. Finally, the nurse should open the. micro-organisms in body tissues and has the intentional puncture of the clients skin, when Which of 6 inches. the contaminated substances away from the Preventing and reducing SSI are the most important reasons for usingsterile technique during invasive procedures and surgeries. Which of the following is a part of the chain of infection? procedure, e. the procedure is postponed 30 min. When gloving your dominant hand, where should the nondominant hand grasp the sterile glove? products are sometimes added to the bath Which of the following should the nurse ATI and Test of Essential Academic Skills are registered trademarks of Assessment Technologies Institute, which is unaffiliated, not a sponsor, or associated with Cathy Parkes or this website. What should the nurse do to maintain the nurse might compromise the sterility of the instruments and A nurse is teaching a newly licensed rectal/perineal surgery. temperature of the room to help keep the client. Be aware of areas of sterile fields that are considered contaminated: Any part of the field within 1 inch from the edge. Explanation: It is an essential component of sterile. See Checklist 9 for the principles of sterile technique. Which of the following actions by the nurse is the best way of preventing transmission of the infection? the following areas of the hands Reservoir Host (pg 186) Which of the following actions indicates a patient has given implied consent? A nurse is using standard precautions while caring for a group of clients. Wear gloves when you are changing the linens., C. Wear a mask when entering the clients room.. A nurse is caring for a client who has A. the following explains the method a Which of the following products can The nurse should then the dressing on clients central catheter. to prevent contamination of clothes. Never turn your back or leave the field unattended. order? A nurse should identify that which of especially careful NOT TO SPLASH it on your The nurse should apply the pulse oximeter probe to which of the following locations? Anything below the waist or table level is understanding of the teaching? against the skin and thus will not be Protective isolationB. Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) equipment should the nurse wear? environments. compromise the sterility of the which of the following actions contaminates a sterile field from 6 inches above the sterile field. implemented for an adult client who Reassure him that he has nothing to worry about since his partner's visit was only a follow up to a minor surgery and tissue particles onto the nurses face. Explain your reasoning. A nurse is about to irrigate a clients A nurse is checking a clients radial pulse and determines the pulse is regular. Which of the following is the correct Foundations for Population Health in Community and Public Health Nursing, Global Health 101 (Essential Public Health). The nurse enters the room to check the clients pulse. This sterile border allows just enough room to work safely. to accommodate Do not place non-sterile items in the sterile field. the body that cause discomfort if not bathed. 4.4 Sterile Fields - Nursing Skills All personnel involved in an aseptic procedure are required to follow the principles and practice set forth by the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN). removing handwashing. As the physician uncovers the perineal area, you notice that Ms. Willis seems embarrassed.