vladimir putin speech transcript

And we will react in an appropriate way. Transcribe your audio files to find high-impact insights in minutes. To emphasise, one of the reasons for the centuries-old Russophobia, the Western elites unconcealed animosity toward Russia is precisely the fact that we did not allow them to rob us during the period of colonial conquests and forced the Europeans to trade with us on mutually beneficial terms. We need to actively use these instruments so that family budget has got more disposable income and so that families can focus on essential challenges. Constantly reducing the population of the world, by sending innocent Americans to be murdered into world wars which they created, then to the Korean, to the Vietnam, to the Middle East wars. You yourselves determined your future. 00:30. Transcripts & captions for a better media workflow. 01/24/22, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's Interview with So 01/02/22, Thousands Protest Vaccine Tyranny in Bucharest, Ro 10/03/21, Isnt It Time to Finally Stop Using the Term 09/02/21, Belarusian President Lukashenko Says IMF Offered A 09/09/20, SUA, rzboi pe dou fronturi. Vladimir Putin: Full Text of February 21, 2022 Speech By Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff - February 22, 2022 1 19783 Start of translation: Dear citizens of Russia! And this is a sad reality, but its a fact. All of them failed. There were numerous plans to invade Russia. This is not just a time of challenges, its also time of opportunities. We will be focusing on the infrastructure of the regions, including communications, roads, and in 2024, around 85% of the roads of the largest conglomerates and also half of the national roads will be brought up to a new level of quality. History keeps repeating. Today this is just nonsense. If this does not happen, I cannot rule out that they will try to trigger a collapse of the entire system, and blame everything on that, or, God forbid, decide to use the old formula of economic growth through war. They were doing it for a reason. They have supported the coup in 2014. This is a great tool. They see our thought and our philosophy as a direct threat. They increased in their size and we see that the housing, for example, increased. (38:52) Finally, a very important question, very important question about our higher. And they want to inspect our facilities? We are also working on the repair for about 3,500 schools using this program. And Id like to emphasize the further steps on strengthening our navy and army. Extracts from Putin's speech on Ukraine | Reuters And all of that was done with a single purpose: to destroy the structure of international relations that was set up after the Second World War. They called us friends and partners, but they treated us like a colony, using various schemes to pump trillions of dollars out of the country. of the international community. Athletes' ambitions don't end when they leave the field of play. (01:02:47) (50:53) We were always generous, compassionate, and Russia, as a country reflects these qualities. Has Russia Already Won? Putin: Since Please join me in a minute of silence to honour their memory. We need to introduce some significant changes, take into account change in demand in all areas of our life. It is unclear what their decisions are based on or who gave them the right to decide in the first place. There has to be a similar scheme to ensuring financial deposits in banks. And of course the situation has changed since 1945. The dictates of the US are backed up by crude force, on the law of the fist. And about 10, 15 years ago, this was just a dream and this was a plan that seemed to be fantastic. Recently, weve passed a law to put the new strategic defense facilities in areas. And in terms of international payments, the volume of payments has increased. And that means they want to use anything. We are not going to impose anything on anyone by force. These are the principles that underlie US and NATO military doctrines that require total domination. You are strong people. Nothing could be further from the truth. Russian business has restricted its logistics and has established connections with predictable partners and there are many of those in the world, majority of them in the world. Because they dont give a damn. Its obvious that the West will continue trying to destabilize our society. These developments and these types of equipment and weapons are already there, some of them are exceeding the parameters of western equipment. 121,268 Views Program ID: 518097-2 Category: International Telecasts Format: Speech Location: Moscow, Russia First Aired: Feb 21, 2022 | 8:00pm EST | C Lets answer some very simple questions for ourselves. President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, This year, the international community celebrates two, without exaggeration, historic anniversaries: the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War and establishment of the United Nations. They also deceive their own people by telling them stories about peaceful agreements in Donbas. Theyre telling their citizens that its the Russians who are to blame and theyve used different tools. Text Full Transcript: Here's Russian President Vladimir Putin's Full text of Vladimir Putins speech announcing special Transcript of Vladimir Putins speech announcing special military operation in Ukraine. Much is being done to create a Washington-Seoul-Tokyo military-political chain. Following We will extend this work to other rivers like Don, Irtysh, Ural, and other rivers. This is extremely important. Russia is a great thousand-year-old power, a whole civilisation, and it is not going to live by such makeshift, false rules. God bless, it is up to them. They do not want equal cooperation; they want to loot. The west has got the objective to finish with Russia as a powerful player in the east, and they were trying to finance the terrorist and they were trying to contain our growth expansion, and the large Russian business was responsible for strategic factories where thousands of people used to work, which were determining economic situation in certain regions, which means that the management and the owners of these businesses are dependent on western powers who are hostile to our situation, and this is not a tolerable situation. Its spirit is my spirit; its destiny is my destiny; its suffering is my grief; and its prosperity is my joy.. Do we want to drum into their heads the ideas that certain other genders exist along with women and men and to offer them gender reassignment surgery? On the dedication to our unity, to our motherland, that unity has been demonstrated since the first days of the special military operation. Below is the full text of Vladimir Putins speech, published by the Kremlins official website: Citizens of Russia, citizens of the Donetsk and Lugansk peoples It is this force that will determine our future geopolitical reality. The responsibility for starting the conflict, for growing number of victims lies totally with the West and with Kyiv regime for whom Ukrainian people are not their own, effectively. A very significant role in our civil society is played by local government. The family of every member of the special military operation needs to be surrounded with care and attention and we need to respond to their needs very, very quickly. Discover why Rev is the #1 speech-to-text service in the world. (01:16:44) document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Some people want to live until the end of their life in an arrested palace with arrested account somewhere abroad. A+. But even the sacred texts are subjected to doubt. I would like government to expand this program. Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a major address on the war in Ukraine, which changes its nature dramatically. Just like the government quietly demarcated the borders of Soviet republics, acting behind the scenes after the 1917 revolution, the last leaders of the Soviet Union, contrary to the direct expression of the will of the majority of people in the referendum of 1991, destroyed our great country, and simply made the people in the former republics face this as an accomplished fact. Our values are humanity, mercy and compassion. Would love your thoughts, please comment. The main criteria is visible results in terms of accessibility of health care and quality of health care. People have passed this spiritual connection on to their children and grandchildren. The scope of the military action is something that cannot be replaced by anything else. Theyre trying to pretend this did not happen, but nobody forgot that. (17:06) Id like to point out that theyre not allowing ourselves to conduct a comprehensive audit of facilities or inspection of facilities and they are declining our attempts to inspect those facilities. They point back at Russia and say: that is the source of all your troubles. (01:07:59) I repeat, it is an inherent right of the people. Were not going to hunt those who betrayed the motherland. Today, we need a consolidated society, and this consolidation can only be based on sovereignty, freedom, creation, and justice. Is it Game Over for the Rothschild/Rockefeller Empire? They try to break commercial connections with our companies, they try to restrict our expert. 1. We are talking about the supply, about payments and benefits in case theyre wounded and local governors addressing me and reporting to me on the result of their work. Its very important to them. Bloomberg View columnist Barry Ritholtz looks at the people and ideas that shape markets, investing and business. In launching the sanctions blitzkrieg against Russia, for example, they thought that they could once again line up the whole world at their command. Dear colleagues, as I mentioned, the west has begun not just the military and information, but also an economic aggression, but they have not achieved success in either of these areas and they wont achieve success there. This support to our military, this support to the refugees is very important. And its not just us who are reducing payments in dollars, theyre doing that themselves. These entrepreneurs, these business people are plentiful. (01:40:45) Republicans Remarks About Putin Stun CPAC 2023 Audience. I made a decision to conduct a special military operation. Everything has to be aimed at the objective, at the result. Edelweiss is a name of a Nazi German unit, and they have very popular chevrons on their uniform with the German Nazi insignia. Western Oligarchy Simon Elmer Kolozeg.Org, Has Russia Already Won? We know what needs to be done for a sustained development of Russia, despite any external pressure and threat. We dont have to conduct a long, lengthy dialogue about what and how much, and at what terms. Everyone knows about this. Id like to propose to create special measures which will liberate economic actions in this field. We are ready for this, as we have said more than once. (01:21:21) We know that Europeans and Americans were arguing between themselves how Russia should develop and what happened as a result of it? Please try again later. And its just total and unprincipled lies. Id like to point out that the students who are currently in education will be able to continue their education according to the existing programs, and the higher education diplomas will be as acceptable as the new ones so they should not lose their status. But there were also specific actions, expansion of NATO to our borders, creation of new anti-rocket defense systems in Europe, and developing military contingents on the borders of Russia. New Delhi: In a televised address Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he was launching a special military operation in Ukraine to protect Because they are trying to fight us. Dear We need to ensure a synthesis of the best Russian experience and experience of the last 10 years. California Weighs $360,000 in Reparations to Eligible Black Residents. And our future depends on how we use these opportunities. We said that the Ukrainian people have become a hostages of their Western masters who occupied this country in political, in economic and military sense. What they did was get entire nations hooked on drugs and purposefully exterminated entire ethnic groups for the sake of grabbing land and resources, hunting people like animals. And we need to work on this and improve this. As a matter of fact, this was actually the case until recently. We protect people and protect their homes. Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a video address to the nation, following the initiative of the country's lower house of parliament and security council to Using the resource of the president grants and other programs that we have available, we will continue supporting our education and art, different areas of art, modern and traditional, classic. We will certainly work to improve the level of security. There are cardinal major changes in the world. Theyre trying to fight Russia. Its futile, especially today, when you understand who youre dealing with. And theyre trying to delete this from the memory of people. I would like to remind you that in the past, ambitions of world domination have repeatedly shattered against the courage and resilience of our people. Recall that during WWII the United States and Britain reduced Dresden, Hamburg, Cologne and many other German cities to rubble, without the least military necessity. Again, I would like to express my gratitude for such patriotic stance. Try Rev and save time transcribing, captioning, and subtitling. Vladimir Putin A RESTful API to access Revs workforce of fast, high quality transcriptionists and captioners. Thank you for this support. Despite all the trials they endured, they carried the love for Russia through the years. Also, we need to stimulate investment in other financial instruments. The Ukraine is now like a training ground for them. People often use the generator to customize established memes , such as those found in Imgflip's collection of Meme Templates . This is the only way to peace. Its goal is to protect people who have been abused by the genocide of the Kyiv regime for eight years. Its power will only grow with time. Kiev threatened millions of people who came to express their will with repression. At the end of 2022, the GDP is reduced. Not enough deaths? Thank you! And we know that we will increase the volume of export to 60 million ton. We know that all the separate types of nuclear weapons are coming to their expiry and we know that they are thinking about testing their nuclear weapons, including the fact that in the US they are developing new types of nuclear weapons. Back in the 30s of last century and today, its the same idea to direct aggression to the east, to start the war in Europe using other peoples tools. (01:06:47) Opinion | The Speech In Which Putin Told Us Who He Was And this repulsive lie and their behavior, two-face behavior was seen in Yugoslavia, in Iraq, Syria, and they will not be able to wash away that shame ever of centuries of colonialism and dictatorship. (01:19:20) Boycott! I am convinced that countries and peoples understand that a policy based on the exceptionalism of whoever it may be and the suppression of other cultures and peoples is inherently criminal, and that we must close this shameful chapter. And those who start asking fair questions like Why is that, in fact? are immediately declared enemies, extremists and radicals. We have taken the decision to extend our Project Clean Waters until 2030. Loligarchia occidentale - Come Don Chisciotte. (37:03) The peoples tragedy is not important to them. Their hegemony has pronounced features of totalitarianism, despotism and apartheid. They discriminate and divide peoples into the top tier and the rest. THE OVAL CIRCLE, The Medieval Origin of the European Disunion, Aclaracin de la Agencia Espacial Turca sobre el terremoto del 6 de febrero | maestroviejo, Turkish Space Agency Clarification about February 6 Earthquake, MIT & Harvard Study Suggests mRNA Vaccine Might Permanently Alter DNA After All, The Mysterious Death of PCR Test Inventor Kary Mullis Faucis Most Notable Critic, Kiev Plans to Give Snake Island to Romania! This will reduce their income tax base. We have a different future of our own. Thank you. We have to rely in these steps, on our real military experience. Russia Ukraine: Vladimir Putins full speech - The Sydney And of course, they turned these people into canon fodder. Weve got everything in order to safely continue to develop our country, and we will continue to act. This is a historic minimum. And here it is important to recall that the West bailed itself out of its early 20th century challenges with World War I. Everything is repeating. And Im requesting the government and the committee on social affairs together with regions to resolve all organizational aspects of this within the shortest possible time. Meanwhile, the West continued and continues looking for another chance to strike a blow at us, to weaken and break up Russia, which they have always dreamed about, to divide our state and set our peoples against each other, and to condemn them to poverty and extinction. The attempts to contain Russia in this regard demonstrated that Russians were able to adapt very quickly and each initiative that is supporting Russia has to have to have support from the government, and in this regard, its important to come back to reviewing some of the criminal code which relates to economic crime.