suramin spike protein

Abdominal pain began April. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. I read something about this supplement and graphine oxide thats in those jabs maybe thats why the FDA wants to change its status to a drug. I first heard of the brand via Dan The Life Regenerator. A 1/4 cup of needles makes a half gallon of prepared tea. My message is that when in a spiritual war, use every advantage you can to win! A mom can only suggest when they have left our home years ago and has her own family. How many star anise do you use per cup of water? some are disdainful, and others believe that they are protecting their . Death was a real possibility at this point. Eastern White Pine Needle Powder- suramin, shikimic acid, vitas, spike protein inhibitor ad vertisement by CarolinaPepperHead. I am allergic to the serum is one of their solutions. And slept a lotonly up for a couple hours in the morning and then not again till 2pm and then slept till 5 pmI also had the aches in the back of my knees that I get with a bad flu. Hopefully your country has dandelions growing in the early spring. Penn just mandated the vaccine as a requirement of employment. Just maybe that wine Yahshua created at that wedding was new wine which IS grape juice! household pets dying shortly after the owners get the serum. I was at least going to die fighting for what I believe in and not living in fear. Excessive coagulation causes blood . Thank you for the photos of the pine needles! I agree with you! Proverbs 23:20-21Be not among winebibbers Suramin is a synthetic drug that was created by Bayer. After three days of drinking three cups of pine needle tea per day, all remnants of the headaches and twitches in my head were gone. Because Suramin is a derivative of the oils in pine needles. Theres also anecdotal evidence that suggests cutting the needles releases all the goodness you want in your body. Laurie, I agreegood words. Stay Vigilant. Take ivermectin, it works. 2020 Feb 21;64(3):e01168-19. (Sources for buying it are also listed below.). I try to avoid places where the vaxxed might bebest with it. These vaxxed people need to either become social pariahs (like lepers) or just die. Arthur Andrew Medical and AST enzymes specialize in products like this. This fragment is excerpted from his book Brief History of the Future, published in France in 2006.. Thats why he gave us plants vs doctors. Now read the following paragraph within the subtitle(Too) Many Targetsin the100 Years of SuraminPDF to understand its antidote properties to the spike protein contagion (derived from the mRNA that gives instructions to replicate a spike protein in other cells): Suramin further decreases the activities of a large number of enzymes involved inDNA and RNA synthesis and modification: DNA polymerases (103, 104), RNA polymerases (103, 105, 106), reverse transcriptase (18, 103), telomerase (67), and enzymes involved in winding/ unwinding of DNA (107, 108) are inhibited by suramin, as well as histone- and chromatin-modifying enzymes like chromobox proteins (109), methyltransferases (110), and sirtuin histone deacetylases (111). This is why so many people are dying today of blood clots after receiving the serum,and why others are now showing unexplainedbruising after coming in contact with one that has taken the serum. Im glad youre hangin in there, & searching, reaching out for therapies and healing, and, also staying connected to good folks like on this website. A 2011 study published in the journal Nutrition Research and Practice concluded that a hot water extract from the pine species Pinus densiflora had far superior antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties than extracts from chemical processes., >With 9-day exposure, there was no effect with suramin concentrations of 100 microM or less. Sometimes I feel a little stress pressure in my head. This is THE most important antidote. National Library of Medicine We have been taking ivermectin for several months (yes = horse paste from local farm store). Your article I view is showing your profession as well as the very detailed steps you took which is not only very worthy but commendable., >the most potent inhibitor was a suramin analogue Google-haku:, >Suramin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection in cell culture by interfering with early steps of the replication cycle A weight value would be helpful so that equal strength could be achieved from whole, chopped, or pulverized needles. Of course he also paid for a consultation with his Frontline doctor ($75 since I was also paying her $75), but it was good to talk to an actual doctor to find out more information. Some cultures eat the pine needles raw because it is believed that suramin is derived from pine needles. It looks like a pine, but the needles are toxic. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01168-19. My only goals were reassurance that pine needles were non-toxic and that you can in fact get suramin and shikimic acid from them. I pray you will study these things out for yourself and truly seek, in full sobriety, understanding and clarification on this issue. Oooh, thank you didnt know about Nano Soma. The dr. will just have to settle for the Plain- Jane scan. Spike proteins are small mushroom-like bumps on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. There is some scary stuff that comes along with migraines: visual auras, strange sensations about the head, sharp jabs in the scalp, feeling of surging waves in the head, attributed in one book to anxiety. (even with my ladder) Then I drove 90 minutes home. there are different protocols for Covid treatment, so dont worry if you read different things. Subscription confirmation required. I have been having lots of fatigue and really bad headaches lately. Its offical: its us vs them. Read some of his papers. I am praying everyday that I will find a way to undo what I did to myself. Like you I dont visit drs, dont trust them, and prefer natural remedies. May the Holy Spirit lead and guide you, and I pray you will allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into ALL truth. I have ivermection horse paste, not taken yet, & thank you! This is day 4 of using the tea, and I continue to have good energy levels. How much was the Front Line Doctor consultation? Ill tell you my story because I think its important. The vet simply told him what dosage to use for himself. You both went through so much difficulty for 2+ years. 4 people in his office have tested positive for covid and hes been home for a week. There is a potential antidote to the current spike protein contagion which is called Suramin. Blue Spruce tastes wonderful, you can use red/white pine, cedar and white or blue spruce. I took ivermectin before as a healing modality bc I got a severe sickness in Nov 2018. We must be sober, we must have all our brain cells to fight this war and win. PMC This is clearly what the bible forbids, drinking to the point of obvious intoxication. The purpose is to enter all cells of the body and on the brain. There is hope. It reminded me of some lines in the first Alien has a funny way of replicating cells, or something like that. Im a sucker for any and all natural medicine. Observations with a purified system of recombinant G protein subunits without a receptor yielded direct evidence that suramin suppresses the association between these subunits. Ill share what I did to acquire white pine needles in North Idaho. Further, Ive been writing about all these people who developed blood clots and died after the experimental mRNA or viral vector shots. There are several reputable vitamin mfg that sell proteolytic enzymes. Spike Protein Detox Suramin Muskoka Girls White Pine Teas I fear They have Signed on to The List For The Grim Reaper.. Their Choice, Their Husbands too.. Abstract: Until now no approved effective vaccine and antiviral therapeutic are available for treatment or prevention of SARS-coronavirus 2 (SCoV-2) virus . Hope this helps you get a clearer picture of how someone arrived at the price of $20/4 oz. Mike Adams over at Natural News dug up a bunch of studies finding that shikimic acid prevents blood clots. A World . Or maybe theyre radioactive?? Then, pharmacy calls you personally. Always feel worse for a few days it seems after a visit to Walmart, but maybe thats just me Thanks Much and am Glad that you also were saved from info provided by you and other brave folks! If you drink occasionally on a regular basis, what is to stop you from going over the edge at some point and becoming a full-blown alcoholic? God Bless you all! Google search: Sorry if this sounds harsh but its coming from one who has enjoyed wine my whole life. The bible forbids drunkenness, not having a drink. A blue spruce grows in my fathers yard. My brother And wife and 2 daughters and their husbands all too the double vaxx and 2 took boosters too. I bought the fresh one just to see the leaves so that I would know whether it can be found near my place. I hope it saves me from the vaxinated. I am just trying to compare prices here in the US with buying the pills abroad. Glad your on the mend & I appreciate all the work your doing. it doesnt destroy them. As my husband is now back working amongst vaccinated colleagues, this remedy will surely become a staple in our home. The compound was first isolated in 1837 through a distillation ofpineoil by thePolishchemistFilip Walter, who named itrtinnaphte. We know this because why? Some are thankful, Amazon sells different pine needle teas. Im a critical care nurse that was mandated against my will to work in the COVID ICU during our surge for a couple of months. Because these people wouldnt be injecting people unless they knew the answer. They are thinking his cancer is back or even worse, leukemia. (Needless to say, he touched me during treatment). DEATHS: 31,696 (as of October 21, 2022) And winethatmaketh gladthe heartof man,andoilto makehisfaceto shine,and breadwhichstrengthenethmansheart. Here we see the wine makes the heart glad, or merry. Previous post: Proof That The Pandemic Was Planned & With Purpose. But Twitter made him delete his tweet because he was spreading disinformation. Let that sink in for a second. The bible forbids ***drunkenness***, not casual consumption. Will I need to take the tea indefinitely? I sent her this information praying she read and understand what is truly causing her problems. My gym regimen was down to two days in that bad week, but got back to three days the following week and then four the next week. They also help with clotting. Some cultures eat the pine needles raw because it is believed that suramin is derived from pine needles. I will be buying some of the pine needle tea. to drink to intoxication, i.e. Trypan Blue is a derivative of toluene which is a derivative of pine oil. This is not a light subject and it can be exhaustive (this is not the place for it) Lastly, when we step out in truth we open ourselves up for attack by Satan. I am adamantly against injection of toxins (mRNA), face masks, quarantine and face masks because all exacerbate immune deficiencies. Further I still went to the gym twice in the week that was the peak of debilitating headaches. The study demonstratedthat the hot water extract of pine needle proanthocyanidins and catechins offerthehighest levels of antioxidant benefitscompared with chemicalextract processes. We can get you whatever shots you need. I said NOTHING about shots or vaccines. When I write articles I try to make it easy reading and often get feedback precisely about it is pleasant for others to read what I write. I make 1.5 gallons at a time, hope this helps. God Bless you!! Epub 2021 Mar 22. So a comment that has had three or four upvotes, showing visitors that posts are read and appreciated, suddenly appears to a visitor as if it either moved zero readers, or offended them. Trypan blue is also known as diamine blue and Niagara blueDANGER Shield Your Smart Meter! Suramin, pine needle tea possible antidote to current spike protein Next I started stripping the needles from the branches they were attached toa sticky sappy affair. I work as a disability support worker in Australia. Thanks for sharing. I believe you have taken my meaning out of context. The method of transfer is unclear at this point, but is certainly happening. The headache is beginning to diminish. Protect Your Family from Illuminati Kill Grid! $20 for FOUR OUNCES of pine needles is a rip off. It prized as incense too. Why are we still trusting the media and the medical wizards that dreamed up this sham? HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help I have been researching frantically how I can reverse what I have done to myself, even though my symptoms are (so far) mild. Interesting that we are Copper deficient since we were weaned away from Copper Pipes. The bible forbids ***drunkenness***, not casual consumption. The stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. The small-town doctor who treated most of the large and active semi-rural families I knew when I was growing up, would have properly diagnosed the real diabetic (type 1) and saved his life, and he would have told the type 2 diabetic, You dont need a doc, you need a kick in the butt. I totally agree with you. Editor-In-Chief: The COVID Blog Many of the younger adults who took both jabs experienced bad migraines and horrible nightmares the days after the second shot. Not to mention all the tree sap and bugs on my kitchen floor, and my manicure was utterly destroyed. The problem most professing Christians have is they refuse to let the bible say what it says in its proper context. Informative and content suppressed by the mainstream media. people use turpentine in certain situations for health benefits, Eastern White Pine Tree Needles a Natural Source of Suramin, Peter Spann: 54-year-old Australian filmmaker dead two months after first experimental AstraZeneca shot, Barbara Buchanan: 63-year-old Oregon woman afraid shell die any day now after several Johnson & Johnson blood clots, #TwitterFiles conditioning conservatives to trust Elon Musk; plus Tucker Carlson vs. Hunter Biden, and the concepts of controlled opposition and propaganda, Died Suddenly update: Stew Peters lost all credibility for including footage from a heart surgery that happened in 2019, Katie Meyer: precedent indicates Stanford soccer player wrongful death lawsuit will fail; post-injection suicide, vaccine mandate arguments would have fared better. Every time, it happened 6 times now. The best clue that immediately told me that pine needle tea works to stop the effects of involuntary contamination with spike proteins is the first Google search result. I start all clients with a Functional Genetic DNA test this test goes way beyond 23&Me or nutrient/fitness gene tests. 5 out of 5 stars (2) $ 10.00 FREE shipping Add to Favorites . Jesus turned water into winenot grape juice. We will have taken care of having planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. I keep myself in good shape. Theres talk of possible contamination and whatnot, but Ive also not read about a single problem online. I do this treatment with a deep understanding of my own immune/detox systems. Heart racing at times, some weird pressure and rash/hives in various places on my body. Thank you for your research and story. Maybe you had no choice in the matter. Wiki: I didnt know this. Suramin has been available to the medical profession for almost 100 years. But several reports say that the Swiss pharmaceutical company that makes the drug, Roche, gets its shikimic acid from the Chinese star anise plant. I filled three large freezer bags with white pine needles from a huge pine forest, which are everywhere in the Midwest. Wow, thanks for the amazing post. last week, i got a headache + grogginess + brain fog for a few hours after being touched by a vaxxed friend. The whole herbal source (needles) is superior to the single compound extract (Suramin) because the needles possess a full complement of phytonutrients providing numerous additional benefits that the extract is incapable of. Here is the article that you have to read regarding the spike protein and its effects on . Dont forget not to use City water, it contains fluoride, which calcifies your pineal gland; which will take away the additional awareness of whats going on or being able to sense when things arent right (Spidey Sense). My daughter, a Police Sargeant, has been having extremely bad headaches. Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers. prunella vulgaris extract and suramin block sars coronavirus 2 virus, >The enzyme, Guanine 7 Methyltransferase is responsible for the capping of the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA to conceal it from the hosts cellular defense. Doctor calls you personally. Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Was it just stress-related migraines from working too much and rarely sleeping in my mid-40s? The first is a balsamic fir tree. And others got strokes and are partially paralysed. The wine he drunk in those times has nothing to do with the wine we know now. What was the shipping cost or other fees? I believe some already have. 2007 Jul;51(1):47-56. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2007.03.009. Yew pines (Podocarpus macrophyllus), ponderosas (Pinus ponderosa), and balsam fir trees (Abies balsamea) are also toxic. The site is secure. My message is that when in a spiritual war, use every advantage you can to win! Skippaa mainokset ja jt "fact check"-sivustot huomiotta sill ne on lkefirmojen maksettuja harhauttamismainoksia! Vaxx vs non vaxxed. I think it is $90 dollars or in that ballpark. This is such an important article, and Im so happy to hear that youre feeling better! Wishing you good health and recovery. Thank you again for all the work you have done. The second one is a white cedar tree. My 45 Yo Took As The Hospital she works at REQUIRED IT.. Use your own pharmacy! Suramin - Wikipedia Blood Adv. Title: Prunella vulgaris extract and suramin block SARS-coronavirus 2 virus Spike protein D614 and G614 variants mediated receptor association and virus entry in cell culture system. Hope you get well soon brother. ), Antimicrobial effectiveness of pine needle extract on foodborne illness bacteria, Suramin Antiviral Therapy in the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Anti-viral activity of suramin against influenza A virus in A549 cells, Suramin inhibitsin vitro infection by duck hepatitis B virus, rous sarcoma virus, and hepatitis delta virus, Repurposing Drugs for Mayaro Virus: Identification of EIDD-1931, Favipiravir and Suramin as Mayaro Virus Inhibitors, Suramin is a potent inhibitor of Chikungunya and Ebola virus cell entry, Delivery of Suramin as an Antiviral Agent through Liposomal Systems, Suramin Inhibits Chikungunya Virus Replication by Interacting with Virions and Blocking the Early Steps of Infection, Bioactivity-Guided Fractionation of Pine Needle Reveals Catechin as an Anti-hypertension Agent via Inhibiting Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme, Characterization of Vasorelaxant Principles from the Needles of Pinus morrisonicola Hayata, Phytochemical composition, anti-inflammatory activity and cytotoxic effects of essential oils from three Pinus spp, Protective effect of pine (Pinus morrisonicola Hay.) I get a nosebleed, it must be airborne. I saw so many varieties of both Dandelion Root & Dandelion Leaf tea at local store & have heard that it contains the magic Shiskimic acid as well? Coming from a farm family, I dont think that our government will put restrictions on ivermectin paste in the near future. This antidote to the contagion, that has been known of by the upper levels of the medical establishment and insiders of the elitist class for almost 100 years, is called Suramin , an isolated compound originally derived . Can you tell me which I should buy? Maybe it was a combination of all the other interventions. They drank wine in the old days often because water was not clean. PINE TEA: Possible Antidote for Spike Protein Transmission I also resumed bromelain/quercetin vitamins, and Ive been eating more pineapple since these contain digestive enzymes for proteins. A 2006 study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer found that pine needle powder greatly reduced tumor growth in mice and rats. Plavleisel cancer grows like a tree roots, you can cut it out, it keeps multiplying and grow further. Ultra-low-dose naloxone suppresses opioid tolerance, dependence and associated changes in mu opioid receptor-G protein coupling and Gbetagamma signaling. I cant imagine selling my harvest for $20/4 oz. Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. The most relevant parts of the summary are outlined below with supportive evidence: SURAMIN, THE FRUIT OF EARLY MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY. It has a higher percentage of suramin than pine needles. It shows it is a wise decision to keep immune system very healthy and also to boost ones defenses against shedders with such things as the pine tree tea. I thought it was stress, but now Im thinking he exposed me to the spike protein. I do this on day 1 and then day 3 only when I am about to be out in public or around a crowd of people. Hello and Jesus bless you my friend. The doctors tell people to wash their eyes with baby shampoo. Suramin is a polysulphonated naphthylurea with a potential antiviral, antiparasitic and antineoplastic activity that has been widely used in the clinical treatment of parasites and viral infections. About the first week in May 2020 he came down with a virus (he was not tested for Covid). It must have been an instinctivecall. Suramin is an extract of the Pine needle oil. Search pine needle tea suramin without quotes and it says in all caps, pine needles DO NOT CONTAIN SURAMIN.. It IS so easy for all of us to over-think in order to try and protect ourselves. Suramin is strongly inhibitory to the replication of the coronavirus spike protein.