jon snow time travel fix it fanfiction

Cookie Notice Landing somewhere between Robb Returns and The Raven's Plan , "There and Back Again" is a Game of Thrones Peggy Sue fanfic where Jon Snow is sent back in time to fix his mistakes and become King. Five years later nobody has been able to find him. From there, the pair make their way through a pre-Imperial galaxy, causing a political incident or two along the way. Jon Snow wakes up in Winterfell, two years in the past. As if you hadnt used your own life as a bargaining chip to save the North - to save our family. While frightening to most you found a certain comfort in his presence. DISCONTINUED Ned writes that he's rejecting Robert's suit for Sansa's hand. Pregnant Sansa is sobrave and amazing. Oh my, youre not Ned at all, are you? Then her eyes raked over his battered and wounded chest, horror returning to her features in a heartbeat. [Completed, 7 chapters, 70,000 words, rated mature] A Knight's Watch by DolorousEdditor Jon Snow is forbidden to take the black by his father. All because Luke had forgotten that life went on for everyone he left behind after he died for the first time. Small crossover with the character, Dr. Gwyn Davies, from Dc's Legends of Tomorrow whose work helps Grace invent time travel. He had no way of knowing. In exile after killing Daenerys for her burning of King's Landing, Jon Targaryen receives an unexpected visit during his time up north. The men lining the shadows shifted as the tension grew. It's not every night on Coruscant that a clueless Mandalorian and a baby Yoda from 30 years in the future crash in a Senator's hangar. Privacy Policy. Baelish bastard. Please consider turning it on! From one end of the galaxy to the other, they make many a friend and foe. When the Old Gods save Thorin "Now that you are king of the North I would like to share some advice that your father told me once, a ruler rules best with a lady at his side." A foreign tongue he did not understand, spoken in an undulating whisper, barely audible. A Stitch in Time by the user Will 0the Wisp is a complete novel length work within the A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones fandom. Rating: Mature Current Word Count: 39,051 Canon Compliant through: 6x08, Summary:For some reason, its Theon Greyjoys voice in Rickons head as he begins to run. Snow is sent back in time More Valar Botis (All Men Must Endure) by sanva, Robb Returns is a novel length fanfiction written by the user The Dark Scribbler. My brother is nearby and we will have these men caught and punished. In Chapter 28, the readers learn that Littlefinger escaped to Pentos, was responsible for revealing the truth about the Lannincest, and has thrown his lot in with the Targaryens. ), Summary: He meets her gaze for the shortest moment before turning to look out over the woods, gesturing at it with a gloved hand. For one cold moment, Ser Davos feared the beast had curled up died as a show of solidarity to his slain master. Unfortunately, he brings Daenerys with him. i have no experience whatsoever in writing before ,so if i make any mistakes, please let me know in the comments and help me out basically. Robert Baratheon's strategy to take out the Lannisters. killing Daenerys for her burning of King's Landing, Tyrion gets transported in a crate by Varys, And who will protect them from their husbands, throws it at the man, who barely manages to duck, Trials and Tribulations of the Oathkeeper. Rating: Explicit Current Word Count: 131,955 Canon Compliant (mostly) through: 7x07, Summary:Jon, Sansa says quietly, her hands twisting together in front of her. Like a wastrel found dead by the side of the road, the Lord Commander was laid out and stiffening on a bare trestle table. Jon has been plagued by strange dreams of late. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". With literally nothing else to lose but his life, he positioned himself in the middle of the tracks. Tomorrow's Shadows are Echoing, Can't You Hear? To talk about memories?. Mance was dead, so there was no point heading north of the wall. Ten years is a long time, but they say time heals all wounds. Sansa, no, no, gods, after this, I hope I never have to see her again., The Season 8 we deserved. In winter, I plot and plan. Warm and soft as a mothers embrace was what it felt like. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Will you take it slow and plan out every move, or will you run away and cower in a hole forevermore? Where are they now? If he did find his way to Castle Black, then Alliser Thorne, Bowen Marsh and Ollie would be only too willing to do the job properly this time. I thought you were with the others?. Work Search: Naked, but for the flimsy cloth preserving his modesty, and caked in his own blood and dirt. Oh my gosh, this fic! But what will happen when everything the prince "may the winds of winter strike us hard, Daenerys' inner thoughts blame Varys, Tyrion, and Sansa (in that order) for manipulating Jon into killing her and doesn't give a whit of thought to the thousands she burned in King's Landing. in which she is the earth itself and destined to be a hero, and he doesn't realise that e Game of Thrones Jon and Arya fanfiction Just lie still until help arrives. However, for all he knew, the people coming up behind him may be friendly. -- sequel to time's arrow -- Luke Pearce had been living an ideal second life for eleven years, until his first life caught him and reminded him that he was never the God in this life, and there were things that even he could not change. "I have Yelena Baratheon never wanted the Iron Throne, and with her brother as the next in line, there was little to worry about. Will you go searching for your family, or find your friends? In reality, it was his own mind that was taking the beating now. The Gods were displeased that Bloodraven managed to manipulate the Prophecy of the Prince that was Promised, and turn it into a means where He would become an eternal king. Just then, a sharp loud gasp sounded as he reached the threshold. For the watch the refrain of every mutineer rang in his head once more. A time for wolves will come again. When Jon and Benjen have to warn the Night's Watch of the White Walkers, the southern-born Othell Yarwyck takes less convincing than the Northern Bowen Marsh. For Ghost and their siblings, they'll have to battle monsters, explore Hallownest, and hide from the Pale King, all while learning to live together and healing from their horrible past. When Sansa suggests its time for her and Jon to marry, she means they should make marriage alliances with the other Northern houses. Get off the mountain, go to the nearest town and get help a plan began to formulate. Landing somewhere between Robb Returns and The Raven's Plan , "There and Back Again" is a Game of Thrones Peggy Sue fanfic where Jon Snow is sent back in time to fix his mistakes and become King. "You have taken something that you could not even attempt to wrap your head around. Rooster closes his eyes and lets the force pull him to the dark. Even though he was undoubtedly many leagues from Oldtown, just having somewhere to aim for renewed his sense of direction and gave him something to focus on. Embittered by being sent to the Wall after his years of service, he manipulated events so he could return to Westeros in another's body and exile the last Targaryen. Not even his apparent nudity detracted from the ruin of his flesh, but he still breathed a small sigh of relief when he saw that his small clothes were intact and in place. Gilly's mother was not identified in the books or show. I adore literally everything about this fic. Rating: Explicit Current Word Count: 49,373 Canon Compliant (mostly) through: 7x07. Kurama might as well be a licensed therapist, [Podfic] Cold read of Hand in Hand Together (All Your Life) - Author Commentary Edition, - | Mdo Zsh - Mxing Tngxi, Ln Zhn | Ln Wngj/Wi Yng | Wi Wxin, Alternate Universe - Someone Lives/Not Everyone Dies, but I'll update the full length when done, The Same Moon Shines [Podfic - Cold Read], Sunshine and Rainy Weather [Podfic - Cold Read], Main Character | Qiangwei | Rosa/Xia Yan | Luke Pearce, Mo Yi | Vyn Richter & Xia Yan | Luke Pearce, Xia Yan | Luke Pearce & Zuo Ran | Artem Wing, Lu Jinghe | Marius von Hagen/Xia Yan | Luke Pearce, Luo Yuhao | Ingrid Rosworth/Zuo Ran | Artem Wing, Mo Yi | Vyn Richter & Zuo Ran | Artem Wing, Main Character | Qiangwei | Rosa (Tears of Themis). Daenerys is even more bloodthirsty and vengeful after having her memories from the show restored. He was about to tell them who he was when the man cut him off. "Come to bed Jon," She said then, her voice sultry smooth, like silk. Ones that seem to almost warn him of events to come. Jon Snow wakes up in Winterfell, two years in the past. How does Sansa, as Cersei, deal with being married to Robert? Everyone wants her, especially Prince Joffrey. jon snow x oc season 1 - season 8. Create a free website or blog at The work begins at the point in canon where Jon Snow had been killed by his Black Brothers of the Night's Watch. Seven hells, man! Then she woke up a week before her half-brother's second name day, decidedly alive. Tywin very rarely paces, considering the practice a waste of movement. Its amazing just howmuch the Starks communicating with each other makes me happy in fics now, but this fic has them working together very well and I loved it! There are so many talented writers in this fandom and tons of them have poured so much time and energy into writing such amazing fics that I wish theyd been given the reins to write the ending of the show. Curiosity clearly piqued, Brandon let go of Jons shoulders to look at Longclaw. The political landscape has changed in the aftermath of Daenerys Targaryens decimation of Kings Landing. As the strangers drew closer, he also heard the sound of horses hooves crunching against the stony road. Tywin intends to have Joffrey marry Sansa once he dethrones Robert for attacking the Westerlands. What now? Maybe he will meet Ice too, and he will definitely ask him why he and Mav wont make each other happier. For more information, please see our Anger and disappointment vied against each other among Davos feelings. Reluctantly, he opened his eyes but then winced painfully and screwed them shut again. Summary: Since Jon left, Sansa has struggled to keep things together and she longs for his return. Davos thought, irritably. As she opened the door, a cold gust of snowy wind blew inside, carrying with it the distant sound of a howling wolf.