independent fundamental baptist church

And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all that he has given me, but raise them up at the last day. Catholic Influences on the Modern Translations, 66. Typically they take the following verse an stretched it like a balloon: I see through to the intensions of this site. You can tell right away that something doesnt sound right. The New Independent Fundamental Baptist (New IFB) Movement Shady Acres Baptist Church August Campmeeting; All purchases through OUR BOOKSTORE & RESOURCES TAB cover the cost of operating the KJV church directory thereby making the site totally FREE and never asking for donation help. Yes, we do preach not to be unequally yolked with non-belivers and I agree with that. (My family moved alot when I was a child, and Ive attended 7 different IFB churches in 4 different statesnot all of them are same, but my current one for the last 10 years is great), I had a long response here, but I received and error. Independent, Fundamental, King James, Mission Minded Our Service Times Are: Sunday Morning Worship -. King Ethelbert and his court, and a considerable part of his kingdom, were won over by the successful monk. If that membership does not disqualify us I would say that we qualify as true baptists under your definition of the term. This was the best onemembers in our church raise hands, say amen, clap after special music (GASP! List your KJV Bible Believing Church for FREE! For another example, our neighbor is a lost man. 2. If that were the case, Paul left out the most important person/position in addressing the Phillipian saints. You CANNOT be loving either if you are refusing to render unto the Lord that which is his, and this includes tithing. A storm of persecution broke out because these Baptist preached what the Puritans called damnable errors. Most of the members of the church were fined or imprisoned or both, at one time or another. Hundreds Accuse Independent Baptist Pastors of Abuse - News & Reporting I am having a hard time figuring you out. This kind of power is frightening to meet with. They, however, will only fellowship or cooperate in joint meetings with churches of like belief. I went on to share with her that in that same passage it says, singing psalms, hymns (which by the way modern churches are throwing out) and spiritual songs. In Virginia, Baptist were not welcome. Thanks for your response. Jesus as clearly as the Son of God could tells us says (John 6:37-39,43 All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. You are correct, I was surprised. Memoirs of a Recovering Fundamentalist, 55. Those good Church of Christ folks, I have a few friends in that faith, good folks, but as youve so clearly pointed out, completley out in left field as it relates to musical instruments in the church. Independent Baptist Churches is a subsite of halftruth and deception ministries. The list is endless. Ive become weary of those labels, and the Baptist one carries alot of baggage now. He mentions a man named William Sawtre, who was identified as a Lollard and Baptist, was the first person burned at the stake after Henry IVs 1400 AD decree to burn heretics. The word Fundamental means that the Baptist church uses the New Testament strictly as its authority for faith (doctrine) and practice. , Oak Harbor, Washington 98277). Such as The Church of Christ? But rather than ordaining ourselves mini-Holy Spirits we need to be faithful in our teaching, we need to teach repentance, and we need to leave the conviction of sin, righteousness and judgement to Almighty God. Also, you keep mentioning Jesus statement about not leaving tithing undone. He can make it without out $$$, but we need to learn to let go of it. As with any true New Testament church, its validity as a true church approved of God, does not, nor or ever did rest on its name or upon a succession of churches, but on its adherence to the principles of Gods Word. Independent Baptist Directory of Churches I dont know of any areas where their teachings are unbiblical or fundamental. 2 Timothy 3:16, All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. We are friendly Fundamental Independent Baptists, k ind-of like the church your grandparents might have once attended. It helped start the first Baptist church in Philadelphia the following year. 78. Im made of dirt, but God is gonna let my neighbor go to Hell because the dirt-clod next door didnt give him a Chick tract!! PO BOX 346. Its derived from two possible origins: 1. God said He would preserve His church and that task was not left in the hands of fallible men or groups. History records the members of this Baptist church went back to England or remained in Holland and joined Mennonites. In 1906 there was a split with this group, some believing that there should be no musical instruments in the church (dont know where this got dreamed up, certainly didnt find it in the bible) This is when they started calling themselves the Churches of Christ. The New Testament is the authority in all matters of faith and practice. His crime was that rejected the unbiblical ideas of a state church, infant baptism and other false teachings of the Puritans. First anytime a mans name is attached to a system of theology my antennae go way up, think Campbell, Calvin, Arminius, Smith etc. A true New Testament church bases its faith, practice and authority solely in the Word of God. The one caution I would give is to allow God to speak to you through the scriptures, that is the most critical. Although, this was the first Baptist church to be founded on American soil there is no recorded offspring from this church and modern American Baptist churches can not trace their history directly to it. The Calvinistic or Particular Baptists were a different group and believed in limited atonement in which only the elect could be saved. This would explain the abrasiveness with which you deliver what should be the most joyous information of the Gospel of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. That is just my pointyou I fear are dedicating a almost hate site for this denomination when its no reason tovs just warning sagnist all bad behavior. The pastor's name is Kevin Draganac. Omissions? Greg all churches that suppoort Tithing as a good thing (incl IFB, CALVARLY CHAPEL, Many Non-Denominational Chruches,etc) Tithe a Tenth of thier income to building Gods Kingdom. But it seems bottom line the wealth & sacrifce of it to kingdom building remains the same. Exposing the Dangerous Teachings and Traditions of the Independent Fundamental Baptist Denomination Please scroll down to find a list of articles for your convenience. I doubt I would be allowed to wear Just a Speedo to any Church on a regular basis. Cooper P. Abrams, III ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This publication has been reprinted with permission from the author. Salvation: It is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. This means that IFB churches do not look to creeds, confessions, or church councils to determine their doctrinal positions. PASTOR PAUL DYCK. I respect a church that weloclmes being a part of my tithe but does not mandate that I do. Heb 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they I am a musician, so really wouldnt be very content in a church where I couldnt play an instrument and never did go there, except to attend her funeral. What is the Reformed Baptist Church? | I chose to focus on the doctrine of separation as typically understood by Independent Baptists (I was one). Because Knolleys refused to baptize infants and preached against it he was banned from the colony by the famous Puritan governor Cotton Mather. In other words, when the Bible speaks, the words have a literal meaning and that it the meaning God intended. They were intolerant to anyone who did not agree to the authority of the Puritan church, which was supported by a governmental church tax of all the people. You will find, to the left, a tags cloud as well as a category drop down menu. Anyone who differed with the practices of the State church were subject to great persecution. It was my burden since then that it seems Jesus wants to gather His flock, but the Wolf in Sheeps Clothing really scattered the sheep resulting to lots of denominations. First I find your demeaning undertone disheartening. 2.) The Puritans were in control of the colonies and in fact had set up a theocracy in which the Puritan church governed both secular and religious affairs. But wouldnt Paul himself, or the original church to whom the letter was sent, count as outside authority and control? I already addressed the 1st point regarding them being under Mosaic Law vs us if you read all youlll find them incl how Jesus spoke to similar crowd regarding what is Adultery, etcalso I already explained its not mandatory & no one says you better or must incl where I;m atI already explained how Jesus stated it was not to be undone while He expanded on what should have been done of which they failedif it was all about Mosaic law only they would probally I think be in compliance but Christ fulfilled & was teaching in consitency with that. Everyone in the colony was automatically a member of the State church and were taxed to support it. Through preaching the New Testament, the Gospel went forth in power and the Baptist movement grew rapidly. In fact, I have no close friends that attend the same church as me. Some more deception I would like to expose are these IFB web sites. She and another church lady had this discussion and the other lady said that to her it is a bigger sin to stay in an abusive, unloving marriage such as the one my mother was in, and I agree whole heartedly. You have it backwards. These first Baptist churches formed in England were Armenian in theology, which taught that all men could be saved. One of the cops finally suggested giving them all their American money and theyd be free to go with a warning. People sin, and people attend churches. Independent Baptist Directory of Churches. In order to distinguish between the doctrinally unsound Baptist churches and those that believed the Bible many Baptist churches changed their name. Jesus quoted the old testament. Ok, so Im pretty sure you are referring to the Church of Christ that was founded by good ol Thomas Campbell (1763-1854) He was a fine Scottish Presbyterian who left Ireland to come to western PA. in 1807. I also believe that hanging around with non-Christians is detrimental to ones faith as I have done this. Men meeting the Biblical qualification of deacons (servants) (1 Tim. In 1663, Charles II, gave the colony a royal charter and it read: Our royal will and pleasure is, that no person within the said colony, at any time hereafter, shall be in any wise molested, punished disquieted, or called in question, for any differences of opinion in matters of religion, and do not actually disturb the civil peace of the said colony. Patrick was born in Scotland in 360 AD and sold into slavery at age sixteen and carried to Ireland. (Colossians 1:18; Matthew 18:15-20; Acts 15:22-21; 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, 19, 23) Priesthood of the Believer. Baptists, including IFB Baptists, are all deceived. He also had a big thing against girls being in beauty pageants, not sure what the problem was there. Shortly after that, because of his doctrinal preaching, he was forced to leave Salem and went for a short time to Plymouth. Sure you used scripture, but only as a hammer to bash Greg on the head. Using the KJV only is not the problem. 5. Not all IFB churches are this way. Look at Ezekiel 33. However, let me strongly say there has always existed an unbroken line of churches who have not erred from the faith, and been true to the Bible, Gods Word. with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. Up to this time Williams was not a Baptist. WHICH BIBLE YOU USE DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE! either. They are guilty of not holding the Head, the Lord Jesus Christ. Pastors tiptoe around specific sins so not to offend. I believe that the Bible is clear on what is modest apparel. These people give Jesus and Christianity overall a black eye every time they go to a military funeral or any other event they have absolutely no respect for. Does Westboro Baptist in Topeka, Kansas (Thank God for 9/11, God hates fags, Thank God for dead soldiers) fall under the IFB category? It sounds like you believe that we are not required to tithe, but somehow we are better off if we do? The mighty IFB has spoken It looks like I'm wasting my time. Surely, no church that practiced false doctrine, as many of these groups did, can in truth be called a Baptist church. Its so good knowing that we have an advocate with the Father that helps us to do that very thing. Doctrinal Statement - So you made assumptions based on very little. For an example there is Patrick of Ireland. Thier is nothing harmful in regard sto relating to other denominations if ny that you mean fellowships that are Christian. I wish you well in your new school and church. 1. No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day., Based on the Word of God, I submit to you that Gods plan will not be thwarted because I fail to do something. One of the last acts of the Presbyterians, before the Long Parliament in England fell, was to past a law passing the death penalty on anyone who was caught holding to what they called Eight Errors in Doctrine. These doctrines included infant baptism. No Law we are obligated to in the sense they have any weight of sins being dealt withfor Jesus done away with sins. The validity of a church as being a true Biblical New Testament church does not rest in it ability to show an unbroken line of succession from the time of Christ. We give out of thankfulness to God for what Christ has accomplished as we are led by the Spirit. On May 28, 1665, a Baptist church was founded in Boston, by Thomas Gould, who refused to accept infant baptism. For example inn Isle of Wight county in southeastern Virginia, Baptist preachers were taken to Nansamond River, nearly drowned by Episcopalians to show their contempt for Baptists beliefs in immersion and their rejection of infant Baptism. It was horrible. The Anabaptists were mostly a God-fearing group of people. Where the pastors power is total? BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH. I have to tell you, Lynne, if you want to keep one part of the law, without keeping the rest of the law, you are guilty of breaking the whole thing. IFCA International - Home Page To hold to the secessionist position takes the authority away from the New Testament and places it in the hands of man. (See also Gal. The transformation God is making in our lives makes us stand out. Rachael God bless you!! KJV Church Directory. One can be feed, clothed , housed & grow up lost & will die but the Gospel offers Eternal Life! Later in history, around 600 AD, Austin, Catholic monk, was sent to Britain by Pope Gregory the Great. If you have any more questions or comments (as long as they are not rude), please feel free to email me again. It should be free. Would you agree with me on this? Please excuse me. Ok so he starts attempting to pull the heart strings about loved ones that you are around daily, and if you are telling them enough about getting saved etc. I attend an Independent Baptist church and Ill answer your questions They do not find support in the Bible for such a requirement. And to top it off you have very strange sayings that I have no idea what they mean, the last half of the verse at Acts 9:5 is an example It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks WHAT! Since she has a place of her own now I dont see her as much as I like but I wont shun her because she left. 2 talking about this. Arkansas - She even gave me a monetary gift when I had no money for food. In 1645, he formed a Baptist church in London. Ive experienced this kind of power over and over again in the church. There are hundreds of archaic words that I have no idea what they mean and then you have words that have actually changed meaning since the KJV was published like conversation, to me that means to talk with someone, not in the KJV, it means behavior, prevent is another one, to me it means to stop someone from doing something, not in the KJV, it means to precede. We dress however we want, however, my Pastor chides me in good nature, because I frequently wear black clothing, but he is not being critical. The Independent Baptist believes that to join with churches who teach and practice false doctrine is condone and even show approval of Biblical error and that all doctrinal error is sin. 4:11) or leader of the congregation. I was always told ten percent and thats I give for the most part unless I cant afford it in which case I give what I can. Thats why Paul advocated free will offerings (see 2 Corinthians 9). Baptists Briders, infer they can trace their history back to John the Baptist who was the first Baptist. this is a great book research on cultist church Suppose too that some of them on reading that Bible were to believe and repent of their sins and place their trust in Gods Son and His redemption for personal sin. Find an Independent Baptist Church Near You 77. America needs great Independent Baptist churches again. The form contains many questions about doctrine and philosophy of ministry. Hear personal testimonies and watch missionary slideshows with RealAudio narratives. Sir, They say they hold to the NT pattern, and yet, they do not. v-43 Stop grumbling among yourselves, Jesus answered. For you tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass by justice and the love of God. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone.. Beliefs - Fundamental Baptist Church If only people would study more to know the voice of their Savior, there would be no one to follow the false teachers. I would either be kicked out or asked to put on something to wear. Two champions of religious liberty were the Virginians Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry. They believe that when the Book of Revelation was completed by the Apostle John about 90-95 AD, the Word of God was complete. Our goal is to send out missionaries, home and abroad, that will start independent, fundamental Baptist churches. Baptist as a whole were patriots and many Baptist pastors served as chaplains in the Revolutionary Army. Giving ten percent to God is a good thing, I agree with that. The center of Baptist activity in the colonies was in the Philadelphia area, and Baptists held regular general meetings of the churches for devotional and evangelistic purposes there. Churches in USA; Churches in Canada; Churches in Australia; Churches in the UK; Churches Worldwide . We never shun people who leave the church. He began by baptizing himself and then baptizing ten other members. Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Deception - Exposing the The new testament says Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. that pretty much destroys the idea of someone being forced to give. There are a number of other wrong teachings w/in this church but the false teaching about baptism is far and away the biggest, some of the others are, not believing in eternal security, and close behind is not believing that one can know that you are saved. The New Testament teaches the absolute autonomy of each local church who is to govern itself as the Word of God instructs free from outside authority and control. Some formed new churches and called themselves Baptists to make it clear that they believed and followed the New Testament. That is what saved believers have always believed, because that is what the New Testament which is Gods Word to man says. So many churches have lost wonderful ministry opportunties by turning away those hurting, divorced folks, its a shame, God help us all to be sensitive to those who are hurting all around us. The only time I ever dressed up was for Job interviews. Nope, dont see that. It is difficult to trace Baptist churches down through history. Drinkers go to the next town to buy their drinks. Tithing is no longer a requirement and God doesnt not require a tithe for obedience as is preached in todays churches. When we arrive in heaven we are going to be surprised not only by who is there, but by who isnt there. If I wanted to wear a sponge bob costume while leading worship I probably would not be allowed to do this in most Churches. Jesus statement to the Pharisees about tithing would not apply to you because you are not a Jew under the Mosaic Law. Church Directory Sub-pages. It is not historically correct to identify Baptists as Catholic protestors who left the Roman church. 8. G.L. There was no hierarchy in the churches he founded, which were patterned after the simple New Testament example. I think that point was already addressed. Its the phraseology itself that one calls into question as being logical or illogical. Christ suffered and gave His life to save you from hell, it's time you start going to a church that actually believes that. I usually look fwd to these. It is an important part of the church. God, I believe deliberately used isolated groups in many different places during time to preserve His church and did not choose to use a line or chain of churches to past His Word and authority on to the next generation. The Gospel is to be preached throughout the world by believers empowered by the Holy Spirit as Acts 1:8 plainly states. Gilbert Independent Baptist Church I am an IFB. Unfortunately, serious Bible study is in short supply these days. They left these churches because of their strong conviction the Word of God should not be compromised. He then begins crying, Im not an expert at body language, but it certainly seemed contrived, preachertainment some would call it. The name Independent Fundamental Baptist Church is used traditionally by churches which pattern themselves strictly after the example of the early church as found in the New Testament. It began with a man named John Smyth who was a bishop in the Church of England. By 1644, these congregations grew to seven churches. Even if a church blows the interpretation of verses like this and sets up what you refer to as a hierarchy, I feel you are in error to claim that God has no party with them, see for reference the 7 churches in Revelation which had great things going for them, but Christ had to deal with their errors. You stated that all churches tithe a certain way and used that fact to justify a way of thinking. The purpose of the Law being fullfilled we should do all good works in Christ for we are saved to do good works. Many churches were organized in the following years. It may be this passage of Scripture Paul had in mind when he said I am innocent of the blood of all men because he had taught them the whole counsel of Gods word. : Yes Address: 1101 Pennsylvania Ave Monaca Pennsylvania 15061 United States Service Times: Sunday School 9:30, Sunday Morning 10:30, Sunday Evening: N/A as of 2/2023, Wednesday 6:30 Phone: 724-252-7885 Pastor's Name: Kevin Draganac (P.S. 601 1ST AVE SE . I do however disagree with anyone mandating that a tenth should go to them & to the church as they see fit only (like giving some to other Christiann Ministries, some to local churche , etc) or that even mandates a tithe. Tithing preceded the NT and ended with the establishment of the New Covenant. Later Presbyterians, Episcopalians and Methodist were added to the lists of Protestants denominations. He was a presbyter and former deacon in the Anglican church. He records that five hundred others who were identified as Anabaptists were also killed in England during this period. At any rate, logical fallacies dont need to be in or out of context to be called logical fallacies. The word Independent means that the church is not a member of any council, convention or is a part of any hierarchy outside the local congregation. (David Benedict, A General History of the Baptist Denomination in American, and Other Parts of the World, London: Lincoln and Edmands, Nr. KJV Independent, Fundamental Baptist Churches in the USA I would agree with this. As long as they go to a God fearing church that believes in Jesus Christ and they themselves are not rebelling against God then it would not hurt my feelings if they went to Southern Baptist or Methodist churches. However, tithing has nothing to do with your Salvation Hello, Im looking forward to laughing at more of your comments. Shortly after that, Williams withdrew from the church and became what he called a seeker. History does not record why he would not identify himself as a Baptist. A couple of things. The Dutch colony of New York for a time persecuted Baptists within its territories. I dont believe it is a Law that one has to tithe. Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Deception - Exposing the Lynne, why is tithing so important to you anyway? They loved the Lord and many of them gave their lives and fortunes for the sake of Christ. However, history is clear that in the beginning and into the 9th Century there were churches in Britain that rejected pedo-baptism, popery and other false doctrines of the Catholics. Now when the head of a church & all dem that fall in line must appply apsotast (like openly Gay Pastor, etc) than you should have some of them on here big. Pagan temples became the meetinghouses for Christians. Rome, then hired unregenerate pagan priests as Christian ministers. These new believers would then, following the New Testament example, submit to believers baptism and organize a local church. Independent Fundamental Churches of America, fellowship of conservative, independent Christian churches stressing biblical truth. Of all my favorite things to do now that Im out of that situation, is raise my hands and praise my precious Saviour when He stirs my heart. You can tell when people actually study their Bibles. We believe that Jesus is the only one who can reconcile us to God. clarity/dont want to lieas far as experiences at churche sin regards to Tithing: I practiced tithing at former Non-Den churchPAastor explained tithing, giving & offering I think & wa sclear not mandatory but reallywhy tenth onlyactual giving by restricting only seemed to be what I learned from thatits all His. This again cannot be proven from history. None of us that I know of follow his every word like it was the Gospel truth. Faithful Word Baptist Church is a young, family-integrated church. You want to point out that you think that I have anger issues, but have a look at your comments, I dont see awhole lot of love dripping off of your comments either. Do you think you can bring others to Christ in this manner? They all hold to a system of hierarchy in church government and do not accept the autonomy the local church. 3. We have special music and usually 2 preachers a night. Many men have suffered and given their fortunes and their lives to hold the name in truth. IMO, this is is baptist deception at its absolute worst. The connection with past churches for the modern Baptist is not the name, but rather their doctrine and practice. If I was wearing a sponge Bob square pants costume while leading worship I would probably be asked to change into something more appropriate. He is light years away from the legalism of the last church, but holds tightly to the KJV (too tightly I think) but is not fanatical like the last pastor.