deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear war

New capital will be in Denver. We expected this situation to unfold and actually is unfolding right now. A Russian sneak first strike against the United States and its allies with the new S-500, strategic missile defenses, Yasen-M submarines, INF Zircon and Kalibr missiles and some new space asset playing the key role. This is a bold prediction. It defies rational understanding. They are over and above what one would associate with such things as. But WikiLeaks documents . This unseen situation for the States will develop itself in a cascade pattern with unprecedented and devastating effects for the economy. You can also ask the author some questions. These two facts point to the realization that both Russia and China would fight in a World War III scenario, and that given the current Geo-political alignments at this time that they would fight on the same side for the same interests. The conclusion was that the US GDP was something between $5 to $10 trillion instead of $15 trillion as officially reported by the USG. We are not linked to any government in any way, shape or form. The Demographic crisis in the former Soviet Union countries has extended for over two decades, if we accept that it ended early in this decade (2010s). Today the worlds population is four times greater with air travel in full swing which is by definition a super spreader. Today the worlds population is four times greater with air travel in full swing which is by definition a super spreader. Heres the 2025 Deagel casualty figures for the three mighty members of AUKUS. by Doug Casey | International Man International Man: Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world's nation-states. This will, in effect split the United States into two separate pieces. Western powers are not going to take over them as they did in the past because these countries wont be able to control their own cities far less likely countries that are far away. But first to stay in power and control means staying alive and keeping more of what they have. It makes us unique. The death casualties in todays World would represent 160 to 200 million in relative terms but more likely 300-400 million taking into consideration the air travel factor that did not exist one century ago. agencies. Heres a map showing some predictions made in the forecast. As to the article, yes it seems the mRNA vaccines, with all of the deaths and injuries, could be the depopulation vector in the West. A nuclear war is a game with billions of casualties and the collapse plays in the hundreds of millions. After COVID we can draw two major conclusions: The Great Reset; like the climate change, extinction rebellion, planetary crisis, green revolution, shale oil () hoaxes promoted by the system; is another attempt to slow down dramatically the consumption of natural resources and therefore extend the lifetime of the current system. I took the J&J one-shot vax because I saw mandates and vax passports coming and I wanted to control the process as much as I could by choosing my jab. } The True Scale of Government Debt & Coming Collapse; Deagel Forecast of Press on and accomplish your goals. This contract will repair the Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) missile guidance set. With this kind of pedigree, Deagel should be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely a disinformation asset. However a new trend is taking place overshadowing this one. I double-dog dare you. The original 13 colonies will consolidate under as well under socialism ( British Monarchy getting their colonies back) . Russia has been preparing for a major war since 2008 and China has been increasing her military capabilities for the last 20 years. Their night out. And it is all very, highly specific. International Man : Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world's nation-states. The population is so decimated from earthquakes, tsunamis, famine, economic collapse, Yellowstone supervolcanoes, Midwest and coastal flood, pestilences and nuclear destruction. It was swiftly removed and no traces were left of it. That it must be due to religion, as that is what the Book of Revelation says, and therefore the Four horsemen are going to spring out from deep inside of China and unleash their terrors to the world. In China, it is a stable medium of exchange between a producer and a consumer. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, is the contracting activity (FA8681-19-D-0008). deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear war and with great certainty it is the same one who was responsible for lunching WWI and WWII in order to stay in power as sole Hegemon. Seriously I really do. With the November election triggering a major bomb if Trump is re-elected. Seven out of ten Americans alive in 2021 would not be alive in 2025, a 70% decline. The thing is ALL American nuclear submarines carry nuclear missiles. Crime is open and brazen. It recently released a shocking ve-year forecast. Each booster speeds up the process. Would love your thoughts, please comment. You see that Asia is unscathed, while America and the West suffer horribly. The collapse of the Western financial system and ultimately the Western civilization has been the major driver in the forecast along with a confluence of crisis with a devastating outcome. I lived a series of disruptive events in my home country that forced me to relocate to another country. Though not so much the dumbed-down Americans who say. On The Shocking 2025 'Deagel' Forecast: War, Population Reduction, & The Collapse Of The West | Algora Blog International Man: Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world's nation-states. This is their advantage. In six-years the scenario has changed dramatically. 10:37 pm 10:37 pm Over very quickly. The Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) and AztraZeneca vaccines use technology more akin (but not identical) to the dead-virus type, but with major tweaks, which is the best way to explain it. They are not going down with the ship. I agree with you, MM, I agree 100% with the facts you presented here. The closer the nation is aligned with the United States, the more damage or death toll that is has. The Deagel corporation was asked to explain the thinking behind its strange set ofpopulation and output figures. The casualty figures are gargantuan. But all these sources are from the internet and are of public domain for at least a minority. Learn a thing or two. Personal freedom and rights of coarse restricted. Western Europe (not to mention the United States) was never interested in the development of Russia or forming anything other than a master slave relationship with Russia providing raw materials and toeing the line of the West. Third-world, banana republic, dictatorship. The acquisition of Australias new capabilities will come as part of the countrys 2024 structure plan, and the missiles will be fitted on Australias Collins-class submarine fleet. June 11, 2022 Posted by: grady county, ga zoning map . As of March2022 Deagel is still publishing articles aboutmilitary technology; the predictions about reduced populations have been removed. In short, theyargued that the US government has greatly over-stated the real level of US GDP. This has given the rise of the supremacy of the emotional arguments over the rational ones which are ignored or deprecated. The vax enhances your response to coronaviruses, so what would be a routine infection that you wouldnt even notice, turns into a major problem. When pensioners see their retirement disappear in front of their eyes and there are no servicing jobs you can imagine what is going to happen next. Biden reversed everything Trump did. The United States will lose almost 3/4ths of its population! Civil war is a form of claiming bankruptcy. When the transition from rural areas to large cities happened in Europe many people unable to accept the new paradigm killed themselves. It forecasts that the population of the United States will drop by 70% by the year 2025. The United States trying to distract domestic discord through war. The irony is that since the end of the Cold War the United States has been maneuvering through NATO to achieve a position to execute a first strike over Russia and now it seems that the first strike may occur but the country finished would be the United States. Population will increase in many nations in South America. The global appeal for peace comes as a top Chinese diplomat warned his country to re-examine their promise to only use nukes in retaliation, in response to the new alliances forming in the region. We are making the assumption that the nations themselves will not geographically change. The COVID crisis will be used to extend the life of this dying economic system through the so called Great Reset. It was clear then and today is a fact. Thus they reasoned that since the 2020 pandemic wasnt that bad, and the drums of war were beating so loudly, that it must be nuclear war and bio-weapons used simultaneously. There have been many questions about the countries forecast specially the one focusing on the United States of America (USA). It recently released a shocking five-year forecast. deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear war. And what ever your situation, rich, poor, work tomorrow, day off, tired, or bored, do something special now. Deagel organization predicts massive global depopulation of 50 to 80% by 2025. - Deagel, a true intelligence organization for the US government, predicts a massive. }); Appreciate that OG. The death casualties in todays World would represent 160 to 200 million in relative terms but more likely 300-400 million taking into consideration the air travel factor that did not exist one century ago. Deagel 2025 Forecast Resurrected - nobulart The United Kingdom has deployed Vanguard-class submarines with American manufactured Trident II nuclear-armed submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) leased from the United States under arrangements negotiated with the Reagan administration in 1982. Provide bases, fuel depots and maintenance facilities for nuclear submarines. But it is just an illusion. Over the past two thousand years we have witnessed the Western civilization built around the Mediterranean Sea shifting to Northern Europe and then by the mid 20th century shifting to an Atlantic axis to finally get centered into the States in the past 30 years. Evacuation Vehicles, Military Trucks, Mine Clearance Vehicles, Missile Launching Vehicles, NBC Reconnaissance Vehicles, Nuclear Trains, Recovery & Repair Vehicles, Reloading Vehicles, Surveillance Vehicles and Tactical Vehicles . It is quite likely that the economic crisis due to the lock-downs will cause more deaths than the virus worldwide. Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast War, Population The Boeing Corp., St. Louis, Missouri, has been awarded a $70,000,000 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for GBU-57 Massive Ordnance Penetrators. Shootings are the norm. While we'd reported just days ago that the mysterious website had 'gone dark' by removing all mentions of their 2025 'forecast' for America and the world, a 'forecast' that darkly predicted America would be wiped out by then, losing well over 200 million people while being transformed into a 3rd world nation, we were not prepared for Widespread nuclear war could precipitate the desired famine an plagues that come with the . DEAGEL 2025 Forecast updated statement. - Godlike Productions If China falls for this American trap, it deserves to die. The threat came ahead of a meeting between the US, India, Japan and Australia dubbed the Quad, in Washington, host by Joe Biden. That was from the beginning the most likely outcome. Any shift in U.S. policy is politically impossible at this point in time, Weapons carried by the US Bradley fighting vehicles use depleted uranium. Based on historical precedents, and the Deagel predictions, these kinds of numbers and figures can only be associated with anAmerican centereddisaster. Where does their amazing population forecast come from? But there is no way to be able to quantify that data into numbers. The Deagel population forecast of 2014. . ORENBURG, Russia, Sept. 24 The Chiefs of General Staff of the armed forces of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states held a meeting at the Donguz training range in Orenburg Oblast, Russia on September 23. It was assumed but now weve got the full hard confirmation beyond any doubt. Thus we have rat ( politicians and the wealthy insiders) jumping ship. This contract provides for the procurement via delivery order of GBU-57 Massive Ordnance Penetrator carriage and release equipment. Fiscal 2021 operation and maintenance funds in the amount of $32,486,160 are being obligated at the time of award. The first guideline’ on the six metre tall monument states Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature, which make things quite clear, demanding a 93.6% reduction in thehuman population.. A quite horrific thought, especially if such a thing was to happen over a short period of time. Depopulation projections a dystopian fantasy A new crisis joins old, well known patterns with new ones. Airbus never tried to establish a real partnership but rather a strategy to fade away the Russian aerospace industry. You need to login or register to bookmark/favorite this content. A Russian sneak first strike against the United States and its allies with the new S-500, strategic missile defenses, Yasen-M submarines, INF Zircon and Kalibr missiles and some new space . Regardless of any future outcomes, planned or otherwise, my main focus will be on the preservation and continuation of soul. It was assumed but we got the full confirmation beyond any doubt. This is about propulsion. This is no easy feat. Broken American government systems on all levels. Deagel is known, for example, to have contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. One thought that nags at me. This is a unified Asia.). And in the midst of all this unreported turmoil will be the grand American military strategy. It recently released a shocking five-year forecast. For those of you who do not know what I'm writing about, do a search on this forum. Once that is completed, then shortly after My Believers will be brought to Me, to be with Me Forever. Australia will lose a full 1/3rd of its population! It is already said that this website is non-profit, built on spare time and we provide our information and services AS IS without further explanations and/or guarantees. That mindset can play a key role in the upcoming catastrophic events. And, since Great Britain (UK) would be so seriously destroyed, we must assume that Russia would be involved. And right now, this is what it looks like, (The big news, not well reported in the West, is how Iran just joined the SCO (this month). Progressive onslaught and control of all electronic media. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. Never the less, here is the complete tabulated data in a nice convenient PDF for you to download. As COVID has proven Western societies embracing multiculturalism and extreme liberalism are unable to deal with any real hardship. This, they say, would cause an exceptionally high death rate, placingextremepressureonhealthcareprovidersacrossAmericaandgreatlyreducingeconomic output. Its a major assertive military aggression on the part of the United States. While we cannot take its response at face value, itnonetheless paints a picture that is very similar to the world we now see. This is what they said. This move has shocked the world. We are being murdered. Perhaps they were part of a psychological operation? It can be effective for awhile but finally wont address the bottom-line problem and will only delay the inevitable. Stratfor has 11 chilling predictions for what the world will look like Sometimes frighteningly so. This is not about acquiring nuclear weapons, he said, pledging continued adherence to obligations under the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. So that the fishing rights of Vietnamese fishermen next to Indonesian waters will be policed, and secured? The ex-Soviets suffered during the following struggle in the 1990s with a significant death toll and the loss of national pride. Thats Australia today. Which is very strange. Devaluation of the Dollar with an out of control American Congress. Most Western nations will become a Hellish fiasco of zombie movie proportions. Are they made up? With this kind of pedigree, Deagel, should be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely a, If so, then it must be assumed that its population predictions for, 2025, as well as its industrial output predictions on a nation-by-nation basis, are based, on strategic assumptions which are shared and well understood by other players in the, Until the start of the Covid pandemic many commentators were perplexed by the, in light of recent events, we are obliged to consider a possible connection between the. Deagel came into focus in2014 fortheir list of population reductionpredictions in many countries on the planet, with very severe reductions in some countries. It does not matter. SSI is a life insurance policy in which the only benefactor is the government by the way. The date and timing all agree with the Strauss and Howe model for America. That mindset can play a key role in the upcoming catastrophic events. escalates into an open nuclear war. Deagel organization predicts massive global depopulation of 50 to 80 Fiscal 2019 3011 (production) funds in the amount of $18,025,770 are being obligated at the time of award. And this is not an exaggeration at all. By the way, no pandemic or nuclear war is included in the forecast. And as we'd also pointed out in this April 22nd of 2021 ANP story, soon after Deagel was exposed on Doug Casey's International Man website in a story titled "Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast: War, Population Reduction and the Collapse of the West", Deagel's forecast for 2025 got 'nuked', disappearing from the . Call them right now. There will be [1] a massive die off of people in America, and Australia. Take into account that the Soviet Unions population was poorer than the Americans nowadays or even then. And, it does appear ever 12,000 years the earth takes a roll, sometimes severe, sometime a minor adjustment. We have exposed every aspect ofvirologyand it is clear that the virus model is not supported by the scientific literature. We could if our nation had a civil war and thus were recreated a new nation. Handguns, and weapons are all over America. Thank you for this, MM. For example, several years ago Dagong, the Chinese ratings agency, published a report analyzing the physical economy of the States comparing it with those of China, Germany and Japan. Another particularity of the Western system is that its individuals have been brainwashed to the point that the majority accept their moral high ground and technological edge as a given. The sneaky first strike would involve all Russian missile strategic forces branches (bombers and ground-based missiles) at the different stages of such attack that would be strategic translation of what was seen in Syria in November 2015. One deviation can bring about an entirely different outcome. FullPDF here, and a web archive of the original Deagel page can be viewed here. Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a model whether flawed or correct. It will be disabled, many hurt, but the ship is not destroyed. The United States is on a buying ordering spree of large conventional weapons and munitions designed to borrow deep into the earth and destroy things, huge systems to take out entire cities, and a massive construction program for missiles. This is why the old and the sick were asked to take it first. We are not being allowed to refinance under the currently severe ECONOMIC CLIMATE CHANGE. Whether there is a nuclear event, or a bio-weapon event, no matter who caused it, or who instigated it, America will be absolutely and totally devastated. Deagel's Mysterious Forecast for 2025 - The White Rose Deagle's Last Words | Everything We Know - Before It's News Last available archive of Deagel 2025 forecast,, The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny,, The Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast and Remote Viewing the future, Sasha Latypova COVID-19 Countermeasures: Evidence of Intent to Harm | Oracle Films, Sucharit Bhakdi Shocking News from the Thai Royal Family | Pascal Najadi, The Sequel To The Fall of The Cabal Part 26 | Janet Ossebaard, The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia | Veterans Today, Pedogate Part 2 | Tom Hanks | Mouthy Buddha, Antarctica: Alien Secrets Beneath The Ice | Linda Moulton Howe, The World is a Lie | The Tartarian Empire, The Sequel To The Fall of The Cabal Part 24 | Janet Ossebaard, Clinton Body Count: The Untold Story of Americas Most Notorious Serial Killers | The Peoples Voice, Safe And Effective: A Second Opinion | Oracle Films, Owning the Weather in 2025 | J Wilderness, Project Veritas and The Virus | Dr. Sam Bailey, 127 Hours: Between a Rock and a Hard Place, The X-Files This Is The End | Season 10/11, 2022 World Cup Opening Ceremony Red Pill Commentary | Alistair Williams, Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World? "For Confucian societies that value the f , Interesting find on Ebay. If so, then it must be assumed that its population predictions for 2025, as well as its industrial output predictions . The countries that will suffer the greatest reduction in population, according to Deagel(as per 2014), are: Deagel published a statement under the foreboding spreadsheet table of gloom and doom. As COVID has proven Western societies embracing multiculturalism and extreme liberalism are unable to deal with any real hardship. This was not Trump. But everything is wiped out about every 24,000years and we start all over again. Population forecast for Australia for 2025 is down 35% to 15 million. How it should work is we should have a constitutional currency: gold or silver, But if you must have a fiat currency, it should After all, a democracy would have the legislature making those decisions, not the Head of State. That in mind, the collapse of the Soviet system wiped out 10 percent of the population. Just go. Since then it has grown steadily and dramatically and today is by far the most likely major event in the 2020s. All points to the outcome you have described. projected massive reduction in the population of certain countries, forecast by Deagel, The Deagel corporation was asked to explain the thinking behind its strange set of, population and output figures. However,in light of recent events, we are obliged to consider a possible connection between theprojected massive reduction in the population of certain countries, forecast by Deagel,and other trends going on right now. There is a lot of bad blood in the Western societies and the protests, demonstrations, rioting and looting are only the first symptoms of what is coming. For example; 77.0% of the Tutsi population of Rwanda. Actually Russia and China have formed a new alliance to build a long haul airliner. In summary, the USA (and the West) have a system of government based on profit. 7) The SEVENTH EVENT IS an earthquake in central Europe, affecting many countries, with great destruction. I wonder what the other two are hiding. is a website that came into focus in the 2014 - 2015 period for population reduction predictions in many (most?) All of these judgments will fall quickly, not giving the people very much time to deal with one crisis after another. It will be out next week. deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear warnew zealand citizenship by grant. By all accounts, historically, the massive drop in population at this time is validated by the Fourth Turning predictions. They will be the four Vanguard-class submarines: Vanguard (commissioned in 1993), Victorious (1995), Vigilant (1996) and Vengeance (1999). In a pandemic scenario that kind of healthcare wont be available for the overwhelming number of infected leading to a dramatic increase of the death rate due to the lack of proper healthcare. has updated their statement pertaining to their 2025 World forecasts. The only relevant achievement of the Western powers during the past decade has been the formation of a strategic alliance, both military and economic, between Russia and China. They also want to move their own people in, so it would be best to have a smaller population to control. Both in military and economic terms China is at the same level and in some specific areas are far ahead. Deagel 2025 Forecast: The First Nuclear War-Liberty or Death You see that Asia is unscathed, while America and the West suffer horribly. With banks gone, communication down, any balkanized nations will go tribal in hours. The shadows are the prisoners reality, but are not accurate representations of the real world. Deagel Warns A Dangerous New Trend Is Taking Place That Will Overshadow Back then France did not have nuclear weapons to turn a defeat into a victory. Will I regret having taken it? It recently released a shocking five-year forecast. The report analyzes countries by projected population size, GDP, defense budget, and more. countries on the planet, and very severe reductions in some countries ( United States 65 million by 2025 - 2014 forecast, Germany 48 million by 2025 - 2014 forecast). The only relevant achievement of the Western powers during the past decade has been the formation of a strategic alliance, both military and economic, between Russia and China. . JUST REMOVED 2025 FORECAST - Seemorerocks There are a lot of entitlement programs in the USA though as well as there are in western nations. Since then it has grown steadily and dramatically and today is by far the most likely major event in the 2020s. Talking about the United States and the European Union as separated entities no longer makes sense. deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear waretwas schnes gro oder klein dudenetwas schnes gro oder klein duden Deagel 2025 Forecast: The First Nuclear War-Liberty or Death Why do I suspect the answer is yes? The situation between the three great powers has changed dramatically. Even if I chose to st , @perolator 2 things about your dream which came up in my mind spon , Our leaders in Washington and the collective west in general are l , The idiot morons already shown their powerful ability when they tu , Today's