avengers think daredevil is illiterate

Its what Foggy would want him to do, its the smart thing to do. bishop vesey's grammar school fees. Foggy I fucked up.. Get this off, he tugs at Matts cowl and shoves it in the bag still hanging off one of Matts shoulders, and well get you home.. When Matt gets them home, hes not surprised to find theyre a bunch of addresses of Hydras targets. Okay, I get it. Daredevil, American comic strip superhero created for Marvel Comics by writer Stan Lee and artist Bill Everett. Ill know if you dont. Before Hawkeye can reply, Matts gone; climbing the fire escape and darting over roofs. I dont appreciate the doubt when I have something amazing for you., In spite of himself, Matt finds a smile quirking at his lips. Theres two seats left on the free side of the table, clearly an invitation for Matt. Please consider turning it on! Brian Cronin: It's interesting to have Thor just kill a dude like this, right? The Trevor Project: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/ MERCH: https://crowdmade.com/collections/nataliegoldThis video was edited by Cameron Marek: https://www. You, he says to the Black Widow, think Im incompetent because my skills are different to yours. Non-lethal force; except in self-defence., Its probably the best deal Matts going to get and Foggy will kill him if he gets himself seriously hurt or killed working alone when he has this offer open. Captain America beats him to it. Red Wolf and his squad of Avengers succeed and Goliath, Vision and Scarlet Witch returned to New York City, but can't get into the city. Daredevil is so good and grim that it's easy to forget it inhabits the same world as the Avengers and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Clint is perched on top of the table, beside the Black Widow while Thor seems to have claimed the side furthest from the door as his own. Do what you want, Matt says as he gets up, moving across the roof as fast as possible. Okay, Falcon says and he starts to move forward. Holy fuck, youre a stubborn son of a bitch, Steve says in a Brooklyn drawl, so much stronger than usual, thats coloured with concern and admiration. Im perfectly capable of reading. With that last grenade lobbed, Matt stumbles to the elevator. Are we going to debrief or just argue my personal life?, Stark sighs. Feige confirmed Avengers are no longer a thing anymore though. In their look at Avengers history, CSBG's Eileen and Brian see the Avengers celebrate their victory with Daredevil, but not getting his blind jokes. Matt can hear her requesting backup from a nearby Hydra cell - hers probably - and for a second he recognises the steady, calm drawl of the voice on the other side of the call, even with its note of panic. It was only a moment after all, and hardly worth noticing. Here, he says, holding out the phone to Matt, what do you think? Matts half sure the phones screen is facing him but it doesnt matter because he cant read it. I wonder if the avengers are good enough for daredevil im paraphrasing but i just remember it as it was cool seeing dd get that level of recognition. He instantly realises its not aimed at him but the man hes currently trying to get a location from; whose stubborn refusal to talk has lead to the blood that currently coats his hands and the mans face; and the teeth littering the ground. Necessary break time. Behind him a woman jumps lightly onto the roof making nearly no sound. Oh man this is a StarkLet . He needs somewhere a touch more private to examine what hes found. Where are you? the Black Widow asks. I lost track of time. Matt himself even said that he, cant say no to a friend, so its no surprise that Luke and Jessica were the ones who got him to cave. Brian Cronin: I'm totally down with Thor being willing to do it. Why would I expose myself to working with you knowing you think Im a complete idiot a retard , because of something I cannot help? M-Daredevil? Foggy says as he picks up and Matt releases the tension in his limbs with his heartfelt thanks to God. Whos they? Thats some useless scribble on a piece of rubbish. But at least theyre not looking for him, unlike the Avengers who seem determined to talk. And you wont cause chaos for your teammates by hitting the wrong switch, the Black Widow adds dryly, but Matt can still detect a hint of anger in her voice. But it wouldn't be a Marvel show without your fair share of Marvel . Dressed in what Banner informs him are Clints oldest and darkest clothes, Matt grabs the bag with his suit and stumbles his way towards the elevator. Daredevil finally assembles alongside Earths Mightiest in New Avengers #16 by Bendis and Mike Deodato as theHYDRA forces and the Red Skulls daughter, Sin, march on the streets of New York. He immediately tries to sense out the light switch, aware hes about to screw Widow over but well if shed not run off alone, he would have told her his plan. Bet you got it from the ground., You gotta know whats important, the older cop agrees and Matt scrambles to remember his name. Dont remember much but i think luke cage was leading them and I remember a line that was something like you ask me if daredevil is good enough to be an avenger. Cant happen, no more. But every person in this room is well trained, and Matts barely managing to dodge the attacks hes facing. Brian Cronin: Thomas' plotting has tended to be tighter, but this is a throwback to those days, Brian Cronin: As just in the middle of the fight, they cut to "Oh yeah, wait, here's an epilogue to get across that 'shared plot' idea!". At this point in Marvel Comics, the question should be: Which chacacter hasn't been an Avenger? Even if the rest of us provide a big, flashy distraction outside, weve no idea of numbers. Its a tiny thing, but hearing it feels like a stab to the gut. Matt gives her a charming smile, even though all he wants to do is scream at her. Daredevil, in the quiet moments between fistfights, depicts those complex realities in a widely popular show. Sounds are bouncing off the glass along the hallway, the weird echoes this causes making his already swaying world a confusing mess of noise. Theres a collective sigh of relief. The Black Panther Is the Only Avenger To Get Daredevil's 'I'm Blind!'. But theres a note in his cocky voice; a hesitant sound in the way he asks that makes Matt pause. Bruce Banner. Seems our Hydra pals have been tracking down Project Insight targets; theres lists of names and addresses all over these walls. Matt flinches again, annoyed at himself. Why on the wall? he muses aloud, aware only Captain America is in the room to hear him. And, despite what Foggy might think, Daredevil is just a mask Matt hides behind; a means to an end. Daredevil is not Matt Murdock, no one thinks Matt Murdock is any less capable now than he was before. A subreddit for discussion of the Marvel character Daredevil. Falcon, I presume?. He does note that Clint is the only Avenger not to stroll Hells Kitchen in search of the Devil. Foggy had downloaded a lot of the files but Matt hadnt really cared; especially once he realised a lot of the files were photocopied images of actual paper files and would have required a lot more effort to read than could be justified for simple curiosity. The leak must have come from the Avengers. avengers think daredevil is illiterate. A bit of reading between the li- oh. So Steves identity as a soldier was stronger than whatever part of him that caused the whole pure, idealistic icon of America hed been in Matts textbooks. Yes. Matt laughs. Fans have been longing for the avenging angel that is Frank Castle aka The Punisher to join The Avengers on the big screen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The only reason Matt knows Foggy is blinking in confusion is because he can hear his eyelashes fluttering. Matt creeps up on him slowly until he can hear the scrape of a pencil. And voila, he says, holding out something flat. He stops at Clints side and steels his spine. Probably not, Hawkeye., Call me Clint. Theres an expectant pause. Four, nine, three, seven, two? Matt asks, trying to figure out why that number has any meaning. Youd be dead without it., I know. Matt turns his head, so Banner will think hes looking away. And hes my only link to the men trafficking women out of New York. I need him alive., Hawkeye hops down from his perch, the thump of his landing on the fire escape loud enough Matts sure its audible to the whole world. Youre not allowed to say it. He stops and seems to consider for a moment. Got it. Hes not sure of Hawkeyes hand to hand abilities but from the way his heart starts to race, Matts sure Hawkeye is very aware of his and is nervous. Coming up next, more breaking news on the Avengers dramatic showdown with Hydra at a bank in Hells Kitchen; including rumors that our local vigilante was seen at the scene. I thought I was helping., Uh huh. Marvel's Daredevil, or simply Daredevil, is an American web television series based on the Marvel Comics superhero of the same name. This should fix it right up - he takes a step towards Matt then pauses, and youve not even turned it on. Focusing past the pain is hard but hes fought with injuries worse than this; he can walk it off. But Matts had enough of being talked at. Why would I leave a note for police knowing Id be mocked and ridiculed for it and that they wouldnt act on it immediately because of your rumors? Stark nods and waves the briefcase hes carrying in the air. With your senses?, Matt sighs. None of which had involved the Avengers actual names. Hes hes not wrong about the missing everything of importance part but it still grates at Matt that its being assumed hes far less competent than he is. Daredevil Will Reportedly Join The MCU's New Avengers. Downstairs?. Being called illiterate shouldn't hurt, not when he knows he's not, and it's not like he can tell them the truth. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I don't really know much about daredevil and I don't know if Google even has the answer. Inside the bank, any issues? Matts attention snaps back to the table when Steve turns to the Black Widow. Avengers think I'm illiterate and stupid thing. - aimed at his head. - are sitting on one side of a table, Falcon and the Black Widow at the other. Netflix and Marvel promised that Daredevil, a new series based on the popular comic-book character, would be something different. Hes lying on a soft surface, in an unfamiliar room. Im fine. 41st and 11th; 43rd and 12th; and 40th and 10th. The moment hes on the street, he pulls out his burner phone and presses at buttons with a prayer in his throat. He sees through this as well as he does everything else Matts ever lied about. I think there's a moment where Clint shows off his marksman skills with firearms, and then says he can do better with a bow. Lawyers make a living off lawsuits related to them for a reason . You dont know your own number, he teases. And working on a team that kills is the same thing. Hundreds of legal arguments jump to the tip of histongue but he holds them in, aware he doesnt have the time for it. With a deep breath, he takes another step. Hydra is actually robbing a bank? Stark says, confusion in his voice. I need to leave., Theres a long silence before Banner hums. He cant be here. No I havent. Seen no. Any reason youre in my city?, Heard you have a bit of a monster infestation. Other than this, I dont think hes ever been an official member. Steve says, turning to him. Of course, since Matts not injured (okay, maybe his ears are a little sensitive from the alarm earlier but hes been pushing past the pain for ages now so it doesnt count), Foggy ends up being more of a hinderance than a help. Okay. Silver lining and all that. He pauses when he hears one of the other rookies on the scene giggle. He pushes up to his hands and knees, mourning the loss of the hardwood floor. Having not had a chance to feel the building plans - and Matts half sure they wouldnt have been readable to him anyway - Matt follows her lead as they advance through the building. Matt has barely had time to form a thought let alone start to worry about his identity. This is no exception, and hes almost grateful to Clint for making it easier. Our names are all over the internet since SHIELD I thought everyone knew them by now.. Theres a stabbing pain in his side and another in his head. Matt thinks before registering what she said about the labels. and hovers outside the door to the meeting room for a long moment. Barely out of his range. I wasnt worried about that., Uhuh. See how it says Home Hazard Intervention? Matt nods vaguely, cursing that for all his abilities, he cant actually read writing on the side of a van. Instead, he just takes a seat on the edge of a rooftop near abouts the center of Hells Kitchen and sits there. I could disable it probably, if theres enough time. Related:Batman Is Stealing A Move From Daredevil For His Next Mission. Hes clearly jumped to the conclusion that Daredevil saw the bomb and panicked, missing everything of importance. Never said you did. left kudos on this work! The Avengers have asked him in comics many times and he always says no, however he was on the team once during the Fear Itself event in the New Avengers vol 2 run. That word is banned. He flashes a quick smirk at Banner and takes his first step. This trailer idea has been in the back of my head for 2 years and its finally here. Totally fix it which is a thousand times better than what most of the bullshit people are selling will. Matt stands there frozen, as the conversation descends into bickering over how fast a person can learn to read (fast, so long as theyre willing to work at it seems to be the consensus) and if they should be forced to do it at all (yes as the consensus, but Clint and the Hulk are the only ones really arguing that maybe forcing is an awful idea, though Thor is saying nothing at all). And we all realise we fucked up. Matt huffs in disbelief. That causes Matt to turn, to give the appearance of looking at Banner. - through this window. Matt decides he doesnt want to know and ignores them, returning his focus to the idea of a a team-up really. Sure its only a temporary thing, as they lick whatever minor wounds his words made to their conscience, Matt is careful the first night he steps out as Daredevil. Id have said no to it if Id known., A hiss of air and Matt can hear Starks breathing. What did he do? Matt struggles to his feet and, as silently as possible makes his way home to where hes sure an anxious Foggy is waiting. But here, safe by Foggys side in an apartment that smells and feels like home, theres a dimness to the memories. And Im worried Matt, promise me you wont let their stupidness get you killed. Barely. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Although hes returned to his street-level roots in recent years, Matt Murdocks time with the Avengers was one of the high points of his career as a superhero. Yeah. But cant you fake that? as well as Seriously? Anyway I think I hear Thor." Matt had heard him minutes ago but kept the observation to himself. Okay, the doubt? Its not like he can say that yes, he can read so long as the letters are raised, handwritten or braille? I have to ask why you think Google wouldnt have an answer? Youre not deaf, Steve says softly, but you made a bad call tonight., And thats coming from someone whos made a few dumbass moves in his time. Stark holds up his drink and toasts Matt. Much., And I count as a loose cannon? Matt says, unable to keep the defensiveness out of his voice. Matter of time, Stark says, sounding absolutely dismissive of the mere thought Matt might want to stay independent. I didnt follow that too closely. Hes being ridiculous and vaguely sexist, she has information and this is the means to get it out of her. The gunpowder is to be expected; this must be their armory but theres an awful lot of plastic and is th-. Hes out the door and on the neighbouring roof before Captain America can even word a comeback. With or without you-, - the people of Hells Kitchen are not going to suffer because you cant keep your wars out of my city. He turns to leave but the Black Widow steps in front of him. Matts not trying to convince a court, hes trying to convince a single man. Youre not okay., Youd say that if you were dying. Please. This is "From a Different Point of View," a feature where I discuss a comic book series with another writer. He is played by Charlie Cox. Care to explain why youre here?, Call me Steve, please. Rookie by the smell of the polish on her badge and gun. Brian Cronin: It's also weird to have "End of epilogue," right? Matt escapes notice as he slips in behind the Captain, knocking out a man on his way to the stairs. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Saw you running and decided to come give you my number. If he focuses he can nope. Turning back to Steve causes the walls to spin with him, his head as heavy but yet light as it is when hes been drinking. Okay, and because he knows his friend, although facial expressions arent usually something he bothers to imagine. I hope it helps.. Room is empty but theres a deep heartbeat just outside, theres a taste of copper coming from the bin in the corner meaning his wounds were treated here, and hes certain hes never going to get the scent of disinfectant out of his nose. Ah, do you know our names or our, Captain America sighs, media given code names?, That gets a surprised sounding huff from Hawkeye. You dont do debriefs because you work alone and you only got out of the one last time you helped us because you took off on us.. Im willing to admit that of the two of us, youre probably the better fighter. From what hes heard and sensed, its not a lie. In short he obeys both the letter and the spirit of Matts request. Tony Stark. It takes all of a minute for him to open it and duck inside, down the stairs carefully into an empty room. She sighs. That can go now. Thanks man. I Im not overly impressed, Matt lies, ready to leave. Very exciting., Silence fills the air for a moment before Stark says, You know, youre really a smartass. Hes a Murdock though. But Foggys no idiot. Thanks Daredevil, Ste- Captain America says, and yes, theres that note. He knows the route to where hes going by heart for any level of the city he chooses to use. Overall I think there are at least around a few hundred, maybe close to a thousand, Yes. Daredevils a retard. If that changes, let us know., I have Clints number. WARNING: This deals pretty heavily with various issues of ableism. Hes telling the truth. and one book, 100 Things X-Men Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die, from Triumph Books. He falls to his knees to avoid a punch - kick? I get it., Matt pauses on the other side of the roof. He pauses in the doorway. No ones heartbeat spikes nor does any one of the seven people in the room address him, so Matt thinks hes managed it. He features legends about entertainment and sports at his website, Legends Revealed and other pop culture features at Pop Culture References. Its not like the Avengers can keep anything to themselves. How did they get this idea? haze of his thoughts, Foggy is a ray of sun, whispering in Matts ear that hes coming and hell be there soon. Its the same note hes heard a thousand times before, when the blind kid dared to put his hand up to have an opinion and the teacher had to call on him. The Avengers operate on a world-wide scale, so this kinda stuff isn't on their radar. . Shit. As grating as it is to be considered stupid, hell take any excuse not to have to work with them. If he tries to protect everyone, to defend the whole of New York, hes going to burn himself out and get himself killed. Well, according to the Russo brothers . Theyre getting louder, and they should pass by here in a minute. Just look. That I leave notes for the police, he clarifies. The coldness in Matts veins runs into something warm that burns through his body and mind. A split second warning of an attack is still a warning and Matt knows how to exploit that at least. Matt can ignore it and the throbbing in his gut, to fall back onto his heels. But hes never been one to run from pain - more one to run to pain if you ask Foggy - so he gathers his shaky thoughts and claws through the darkness. Shes mad and Matt. Theyre the ones who needed it most after all, the people left behind by people like the Avengers who dont care about the little guys. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Whats our entry point? She doesnt reply, just pointing at the bank. He finds Matt on a roof, listening to the city. Take it anyway, Stark says, putting the briefcase at Matts feet as his gauntlets slip onto his hands. Yes?. He doesnt want to be here. Steve, his mind provides, the scent of graphite combining with the feel of strong hands holding him up. It seems to be their meeting place and theyre going to have to meet to discuss all the damage he did last night. Or or doesnt think hes up to watching her back capable of watching her back. Captain America turns to look at him. Daredevil left a note, Matt hears one of the officers say, from his hiding resting place on the roof above the crime scene. Its not like theyre listening anyway. Fucked up. Ive had worse., You know, I think youre not lying and that is terrifying. Matt manages to shift so his legs are over the side of the bed, just brushing the floor. Matt hates to jump to conclusions if he doesnt need to - shouldnt make another shot. Looks like, every bit of his weariness in his voice. Has it been hours? Here, take it. Curious, Matt takes the tablet and runs his gloved hands over the screen. Hell be able to strike then. On the other hand if hes fast, if he only takes out that room full of people and calls the cops the moment theyre all down He might be able to use the police to create an ambush for any guards that are there; keep them stuck in the building with their bosses and at his mercy. So Iron Man, Black Widow and one other? Daredevil, there is a chair there-?. I can hear you, you know, Matt snaps. Please dont let them kill you. Matt ignores both voices until Banner reaches his side, placing both hands on his shoulders and trying to gently push him down. What do you think?, Matt moves his head so hell appear to be glancing from the tablet, to Stark and back again. It might not even be his blood. Tony keep complaining about it - and hes not wrong. Matt wishes that the Avenger's assumptions about his seeming inability to read the written word did something as benign as making an ass of him and them. No one has bothered to talk to me for longer than a minute. Not that Matt would let them talk to him for longer than a minute anyway, but they dont have to know that. Matt feels like bouncing on the spot. Is it on the AO3? She nods anyway, accepting his words or at least deciding not to argue with them.