In its higher manifestation, this transit allows you to make sacrifices and do without something to do good. A general description of transiting Neptune excerpt from the Sky Log report: The planet Neptune is presently tinting and shading your biography, adding its dreamlike quality to the existential stew. You may experience several disappointments and an increase in anxiety or loss of self-confidence. Your opinions of the world change, causing great disorientation and confusion. In astrology, Saturn is the planet of conformity, responsibility, limitation and restriction, pushing us to focus more, respect our time and be self-disciplined. If lord of the 9th, you will go through a profound change in your beliefs during this period. Neptune Transits Opposition Saturn Transiting Saturn conjunct, square, or opposition Natal Neptune You may feel at odds with your fears and phobias, having a difficult time understanding yourself and coming to terms with bad habits, anxieties, and addictions. 17 May 1953 Some measure of caution is advised. You may often rely on your instinctual judgment. Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Mercury, Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Jupiter, Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Neptune, Transiting Mercury opposite natal Mercury, Transiting Mercury opposite natal Jupiter, Transiting Mercury opposite natal Neptune, Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Mercury, Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Jupiter, Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Neptune, Transiting Jupiter opposite natal Mercury, Transiting Jupiter opposite natal Jupiter, Transiting Jupiter opposite natal Neptune, Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Mercury, Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Jupiter, Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Neptune, Transiting Neptune opposite natal Mercury, Transiting Neptune opposite natal Jupiter, Transiting Neptune opposite natal Neptune, Los Your intuition is excellent and the imaginative changes that you introduce now are likely to work very nicely. Financial partnerships prove unproductive or dammaging to your credit. Im grateful to know my loss of self-confidence around communicating clearly around my work is only temporaryor at least this period of immense pain and suffering around it is. You may be susceptible to deception, fraud, and other unethical treatment. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. Saturn Conjunct Neptune Natal and Transit: New Stability - HoroscopeJoy Breathe in, breathe out. You might have a sense of living in a dream world or of being awake in your own dream. You cannot help others until you help yourself. real interesting! You are likely to form new relationships of both a personal and business nature that you have high hopes for, but you are likely to eventually become disappointed by these relationships. Saturn Conjunct Neptune: When Things Are Dark, Where's The Light? Neptune Conjunct Ascendant Natal and Transit - AncientFutureVision This is a good time for writing fiction and any undertaking that requires imagination. You may find yourself wanting to retreat from the abrasiveness, ugliness, or harsher realities of life, and to seek solace and comfort in nature, spiritual company, meditation, or your own inner world. Yoga, meditation, or spiritual studies can be appealing now. . This allows you to work hard to achieve your ideals. Escapism through drugs, fantasy, gambling, sexual affairs, conspiracy theories, or cults could stunt your development. Discovering that some of your perceptions of the world are in fact wrong can cause disappointment and anxiety. And what is this?? Jimmy is warning what could happen again? When transit Neptune is conjunct your natal Saturn, your concept of reality is changing. The values you have cherished to date may change quite dramatically now, or you might be tempted to throw them away, or bend your morals, in pursuit of some pleasure or fantasy. Others are more willing to give you advice and criticism because you are not as rigid and defensive as usual. You may gloss over important details and practical concerns in favor of idealistic visions and perceptions. Your dream life is richer than usual, and your imagination is boundless. *You approach your work and important projects with an unusual degree of imagination, idealism, and optimism now. Very silly. You are able to handle difficulties more easily, seeing them as part of a larger story. In your confusion, you will not be able to distinguish between what is real and what is not. You are able to handle difficulties more easily, seeing them as part of a larger story. You may undergo a crisis of identity during the initial stages of this transit, and the experiences you have may lead you to a more refined understanding of yourself and the direction in which you want to head. 2022 can bring new adventures, new roads to explore, and new successes to reach! You can help others or reach a particular goal. You are also very easily charmed as well, and you must watch for a tendency to see what you want to see in romantic partners. 21 November 1952 Recognizing that you need more on a spiritual level can help you handle the transit more constructively. Saturn, the master of reality, meets Neptune, the king of illusions. Hi Jamie, Neptune Transits Opposition Midheaven *You are more concerned with bringing high ideals and noble purposes into your life now than you are with gaining personal recognition or personal gain. Finances can suffer under this transit if you have a tendency to live on credit. Bob Marks says thst during this transit, he came into full light as an astrologer, and he to my mind is a great elucidator of the emorphous, who is also, as it seems I am, posed at this transit to bring clarity, find clarity and bring it to a world living amorphoudsly in the mists of neptunes transiting. Your desires are tender and compassionate. *You encounter people now who are very considerate, understanding and nonjudgmental. When transit Neptune is trine, or sextile, to your natal Saturn, there is a balance between idealism and reality. Neptune conjunct Saturn transit is potentially depressing and confusing but also highly enlightening. The realization that no truth is absolute will . Maybe it was the Sun 0 degrees in Aquarius that made him so detached and self serving. Like a flood storming into your life, the Neptune conjunct Saturn transit is likely to soften and shake up once-firm structures. : Knowing that physicists believe in extra dimensions may help you move from confusion to enlightenment during Neptune conjunct Saturn transit.. Although you may worry about your material needs, you realize how little you really need. Saturn conjunct Neptune is a major planetary aspect occurring every 36.4 years. Neptune takes approximately 164 years to come full circletoo long to complete a cycle through our natal charts. Your mind probably wont be seeing things clearly, as they are. In contrast, you may play the role of victim to force someone to look after you. Transiting Saturn on natal Neptune: reality meets illusion Shed left a message that she was at a rural, spiritual community for Xmas (the last thing I would have expected), and I was welcome to join them for Xmas day. Silly thing to suggest sir. What does Mercury rule in your chart? You look for a deeper meaning, but everything requires a lot of effort and work. Knowing that physicists believe in extra dimensions may help you move from confusion to enlightenment during Neptune conjunct Saturn transit. With this reading you receive. Often there is an undercurrent to this period that can interfere quietly yet strongly with an established routine while making it a challenge to recognize what is amiss. Often it is a time of isolation and solitude, which is good for contemplation. Neptune Conjunct Saturn Aspects Natal and Transit - You might dive deep into novels, video games, or the consuming world of streaming serials. *Work and important projects undergo difficult changes now. Saturn Transit to Chiron - Take Responsibility for Your Wounds There I watched a movie at an open-air, drive-in theatre: Brother Sun, Sister Moon, sitting in the back of a truck and leaning against the cab under the stars. If you suffer losses in your material world, its so that you will open up to the transcendental world. Even people who are normally punctual might find it hard to be on time during this transit. So. or powerful? Your soul now yearns for a more spiritual or romantic bond. There can be a lot of sadness as this transit can stimulate a deep yearning for something more than just ordinary life. wonder what his childhood was like? The foundation for your life may be crumbing around you and you may have to lay a new foundation. The body itself is sensitive, and you must be cautious with drugs. You could get the wrong idea, develop false ideals, and let your imagination carry you away to the point that those who support and care for you are neglected or hurt. This is a time when your beliefs may be questioned and found inadequate. . McConnell with his birthday on the 01Pis22 New Moon. . Soon after I hitch-hiked back to Cape Town to be with my mother for Xmas. Would this be a good or bad matchup. However this is an ass kicker of enormous proportions. If Saturn is lord of your 1st house, you are probably in the midst of an identity crisis now, especially if you were born at night. Neptune transits to the Moon directly affect the feelings, the public image, and personal popularity. *Changing attitudes and doubts about your career and overall situation in life can eat away at you now. Such steps can produce long-term results. Otherwise, legal action, scandal, and loss could damage your relationships, reputation, and career. The transit of Neptune quincunx natal Saturn is a period of hard-to-diagnose health problems and deceptive conditions at work. To the extent that you are missing some important components, a feeling of being off course probably will surface. Neptune transits square or opposite Mercury. Learning self-confidence and self-belief are critical to avoiding the fear and disappointment of this aspect.
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