The currency had fallen to half its value. During Franklins years in London he had watched the old power pattern repeat itself. Contrary winds kept the Reprisal from entering the Loire to make the port of Nantes. How Did the French Help Win the American Revolution? - HISTORY He had high connections at the court, which did not at all disapprove his heavy shipments of arms to American merchants, and later he was appointed ambassador to the United States. A blacksmiths son, he had worked his way through Yale and had started to practice law when he married the daughter of a great merchant family. Above all we needed an ally. Congress was shipping them tobacco, furs, and other valuable products to buy war supplies and ships, but Tom Morris and Penet claimed every cargo arriving in France. How did the three estates contribute to the revolutionary mood in Grard, calling at Passy that evening, gave the commissioners a full report of the Cabinet meeting. For one thing, he worshiped Franklin and wanted to be useful to him; for another, he enjoyed hobnobbing with the rough sea captains he was assigned to help. Moreover, every port in Europe was under the surveillance of the British Admiraltys intelligence service, directed from Rotterdam by Madame Marguerite Wolters, widow of the former chief. While a gifted and expert secret agent can develop a second personality which keeps him from making slips, in Bancrofts case this doubling of self may have reflected a profound split in the psyche. Vergennes, on that December day of jubilation, did some cooler thinking of his own and rightly guessed that the British would try to effect a conciliation with the Americans before they won any more campaigns. Arthur Lee, who would have ruined the secret project if he had been in Paris to interfere with it, was busy elsewhere. It was plain that Vergennes rather disliked him and gave every evidence that he was dealing with him only because he represented someone important. These British snoopers were the very ones who had quarantined the American powder runners in Amsterdam in 1774, and they came with orders to burn the Revenge if she sailed out. A clever negotiator could have done much there, for Frederick the Great despised the British and the little German states that sold them mercenaries; he took a lively interest in the progress of the American war and was ready to expand Prussias trade with the Americans, which so far had been clandestine. The Nantucket half of Franklin was always strong, and he longed to see how the captain and ship behaved in an engagement. Nothing was a dead secret at Passy. Franklin and Deane now wrote the committee urging action in every sea where British carried on commerce. The table has been produced based upon "Ferguson's estimate of the total cost of the war": Edwin J. Perkins, American Public Finance and Financial Services, 1700-1815 (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 1994), 103, Table 5.4. It is also true that Franklin could have helped along such conspiratorial work without leaving a trace of his part of it. Bingham was in other privateering ventures with Robert Morris and had made St. Pierre a virtual American war base. The colonies needed these things . As for the Reprisal , anchored at Lorient, she suddenly sprang a leak, and international usage allowed a ship in distress harbor privileges until she was fit to sail. Moreover, orders would be given for British warships to seize the French fishing fleet daily expected from the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. It looked like a checkmate. Contemporaries experienced the French Revolution as a set of interlocking changes or stages that seemed driven by some kind of mechanism or impetus. A year before the Declaration Beaumarchais wrote Vergennes that he was leaving for Flanders on a political mission, and that he had something tremendous to impart later. When Vergenness orders came through to sell the Revenge , nobody was alarmed. It happened that Franklin and Morris were the only members of the Committee of Secret Correspondence in town when the courier arrived, and they resolved to keep the news to themselves. In March the Doctor was given a charming house at Passy on the grounds of the Htel Valentinois, which belonged to the merchant prince Donatien le Rey de Chaumont. Even respected modern historians will repeat some of Arthur Lees calumnies about Franklin and Deane, Jonathan Williams, and William Carmichael, though they have been disproved over and over since their creation in a sick mind. Stamp Act of 1765. People he loved and admired had far too much influence on him. Franklin knew that Vergennes, who for years had befriended America, would scuttle her the instant she ceased to serve his purpose. Conyngham shook them off and began the most spectacular cruise of the war. It is true that these countries, and to some extent Spain, had for some time been shipping out contraband for America, mostly through their Caribbean islands. The fact that he was a genius, and a genius of such multiple gifts that he might easily inspire alarm or jealousy in others, had early taught him the art of using screens and disguises. He gave the Doctor the unsigned letter from Eden, which said that Britain was ready to fight for another ten years rather than grant American independence. He had a vital part in transforming the flow of war supplies from a too little, too late dribble into a steady stream which insured an American victory. With great fanfare Lee proposed to make Prussia a second France. France remains the center of political activity, and here, therefore, I should choose to be employed., He went on to suggest how Franklin and Deane might be erased altogether. Much of this trade was illicit, but it was based on realities and it bred a friendship between the West Indies and the mainlanders which was all-important to the Revolution. The dramatist became a whirlwind of activity. The Comte de Vergennes. Louis XVI was making a new advance of 3,000,000 livres to Congress. He was to evoke this nightmare more than once, but it never lost its effect. His association with Hortalez was a stroke of luck. Franklin took charge of diplomatic duties, Arthur Lee undertook missions to Spain and Prussia which happily kept him out of Paris at a crucial period, and Deane continued his commercial activities. Students will analyze maps, treaties, congressional records, first-hand accounts, and correspondence to determine the different roles assumed by Native Americans in the American Revolution and understand why the various groups formed the alliances they did. May 12, 1780. In 1776, Louis XVI was just 22 years old and had been king for only two years. The two men had been on fairly close terms in Congress, where Deane had sat from the first day as a delegate from Connecticut. In his plain dress, still wearing his comfortable fur cap, he was the natural man Rousseau had taught the French to revere, and a symbol of Utopia. On the third day of May he seized the, Conyngham was still in the Dunkirk jail, the only safe place for him. One after the other his Whig friends rose in Parliament and warned that France might soon come out in support of the Americans. Conclusion. However, Franklin was a wizard at intrigue, and many secrets lie with him in the Christ Church burying ground. If Vergennes had any doubts about Franklins grasp of Bourbon aims, they were resolved by the Doctors masterly letter of January 5. Q. The French Alliance [] Franklin had no doubt guessed, when the courier returned from Europe in September with news of tremendous shipments of arms by Monsieur Hortalez, that the real name of this mysterious friend was France. Sitting together in Deanes hotel while the crowds outside waited for a glimpse of their idol, the two men were already dreading the arrival of Arthur Lee as their colleague. A growing fleet of American privateers had already brought prizes into the various French ports, and a system had been perfected for their disposal. Lord Stormont, the British ambassador, had been sputtering at Vergennes for two years about the shipping of contraband from French ports, and now he raised such a storm that the minister had to forbid the sailing of one Hortalez vessel after the other. Finally, not daring to return to France, he made for Cap Ferrol in Spain. French Revolutionary wars, title given to the hostilities between France and one or more European powers between 1792 and 1799. With British warships on the prowl the voyage was dangerous, but Franklin had brought his grandsons along. Conyngham hastily sailed back to his berth and unloaded the powder. The French government has immediately recalled its ambassadors to the US and Australia for consultation in response to America's recently announced national security partnership with the United . Question 5. The dreadful thing is that Arthur Lees nightmare was accepted by perfectly sane men and that it not only outlived the Eighteenth Century but has persisted in a shadowy form into the Twentieth. Had France lost the race for American friendship? As a result of Lees carelessness in leaving his portfolio in his room when he went out to dine, the commissioners had to abandon the building of a great frigate in Amsterdam, and she was sold to Louis XVI at cost. Besides, five British warships blockaded the harbor. France's Debt Problems. A little pressure on Vergennes would do no harm. Wickes got clean away, only to founder in a storm off the Banks of Newfoundland. After the scheme had been put into effect they explained the mechanism to their committee: For though the fitting out [of an American vessel in a French port] may be covered and concealed by various pretenses, so at least to be winked at by the Government here yet the bringing in of prizes by a vessel so fitted out is so notorious an act, and so contrary to treaties, that if suffered must cause an immediate war.. Trusted Writing on History, Travel, and American Culture Since 1949, Benjamin Franklin And The French Alliance, Franklin was now seventy, afflicted with gout, and wretchedly tired from his labors in Congress and its candle-burning committees. Nearing France, Dr. Franklin changed the captains orders. He had connived in the Conyngham raid in the confidence that the next time Stormont came fuming into his Cabinet with threats of war, he could hand the pestiferous ambassador his portfolio and wish him a pleasant old age in England. Though the mail vessel was lightly armed she gave Wickes some trouble, and one of his seamen was killed and a lieutenant wounded. February 6, 1778. Before they escaped they were furnished money and instructions about English allies who would get them across the Channel, and French merchants at the ports who would then take care of them. All the colonizing powers tried to keep New World produce flowing home to the motherland. He had sent some of his baggage ahead to Florence, never dreaming that an Izard would not be received in the duchy. He could not punish Conyngham, who was in parts unknown, so he had William Hodge arrested and sent to the Bastille. It encouraged the French to adopt the government system of popular sovereignty. B.) A first fleet under the orders of the Admiral d'Estaing was dispatched to . Copyright 1949-2022 American Heritage Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved. The Role of France in the American Revolutionary War - ThoughtCo Please support this 72-year tradition of trusted historical writing and the volunteers that sustain it with a donation to American Heritage. In 1865, Edouard de Laboulaye (a French . He was to steal all original papers possible from the commissioners, and copy others. was part of a larger war between Britain and France. The Role of France and LaFayette in the American Revolution - French Possum Their poison letter campaign was reinforced by the arrival of Ralph Izard, a southern planter and rancid snob. He raided in the North Sea and the Baltic; he sailed around England and then around Ireland, everywhere taking prizes. By the summer of 1777 Arthur Lee openly accused Deane and Beaumarchais of appropriating 200,000 which he said the Bourbons had intended as a free gift to America. On the very day the French ministry decided for the alliance, Paul Wentworth was back in Paris. First off, the debt of the French Indian War was the reason parliament started imposing taxes on the colonist in the first place. Congress had sent the King the Olive Branch Petition, which paralyzed war efforts for many months. The Franco-American Revolution - Part 1 | 4 Corners of the World The Bahamas, too, acted as allies. Lee next stormed Prussia. He was the mutant of a new species. It happened that Americas greatest Spanish friend, the merchant Don Diego Gardoqui of Bilbao, was in Madrid at the moment, and he was called into consultation. France's prolonged involvement in the Seven Years' War of 1756-1763 drained the treasury, as did the country's participation in the American Revolution of 1775-1783. His friend Sieur Montaudoin bought a great Dutch ship and named it Benjamin Franklin . It was run, personally and in great detail, by George III himself, who spent hours reading the reports of agents scattered over America, the West Indies, and Europe. American victory over the British in the Battle of Saratoga convinced the French that the Americans were committed to independence and worthy partners to a formal alliance. His policy was to reconcile Britain and the United States; never, if he could help it, would Spain go to war on the American side. The French support NATO modernization efforts and are leading contributors to the NATO Response Force. The French navy transported reinforcements, fought off a British fleet, and protected Washington's forces in . In the summer of 1775 Colonel Henry Tucker, whose clan dominated island affairs, came to Philadelphia in a state of worry and resentment. During the struggle for American independence, France provided the money, troops, armament, military leadership, and naval support that tipped the balance of military power and paved the way for the Continental Army's ultimate victory. A disguised British vessel at Dunkirk had alerted the warships, and as soon as the Revenge was in the open sea she was chased by several British frigates, sloops of war, and cutters. General Washington in the American Revolution. On January 6 Wentworth was closeted for two hours with Franklin and Deane, having stipulated that Arthur Lee was to be excluded. France did not wait for the announcement of July Fourth. French forces under Rochambeau landed at Rhode Island in 1780, which they fortified before linking up with Washington in 1781. And Spanish concurrence in the alliance must be won. The news of Howes occupation of Philadelphia arrived in November as the climax of an excruciating period in which Franklins own campaign had reached a stalemate. American merchantmen picked up contraband all over Europe; the British, Dutch, and French sent some cargoes direct to the thirteen colonies, but far greater amounts to their islands in the Caribbean, to be picked up by American traders. However, Beaumarchais put his whole soul into his character as friend of the American Revolution. Franklin comforted himself by beginning his magnificent work for the prisoners at Forton and the Old Mill in England, masters and men of the Continental Navy and the privateer fleet who were classed as pirates by George III and who sickened and starved in his antiquated prisons. Chapter 4 History Test Flashcards | Quizlet By late June the captain and his men were released from jail, and the Revenge was loaded with powder and arms. In November Congress resolved to recall Deane for questioning, and sent John Adams to take his place in the mission. The King was progressing from the swaddling clothes of a dominant mother to the strait jacket of his manic seizures, and even in his long periods of sanity his balance was precarious. Inequality of Rights. He spent much of the latter half of 1776 in Paris as mentor to the inexperienced American, and the close friendship thus begun lasted as long as Deane lived. A week later she was halfway out of the harbor when a British sloop and cutter were sighted. Miss Augur, one of many writers who have honored the great old man on his 250th anniversary this year, is the author of several other books, including Tall Ships to Cathay and biographies of Anne Hutchinson and John Ledyard. Vergennes, facing a furious Stormont, knew he had been caught red-handed in a raid on the English mails by a ship fitted out in a French port. British firms had also been running munitions to the colonies, and continued to do so, despite orders-in-council. The Doctor, instead of staying with the Montaudoins, allowed himself to be captured by people he disliked. John Adams once remarked that while Washington was to be respected as a private individual, in Congress I feel myself to be superior to General Washington. He objected to the commander being allowed to name his own generals and thought Congress should carry on every function of war except shoot down redcoats. was a war only between the French and the Native Americans. The powder was stolen; Bermuda was fed. In November 1789, Richard Price . Arthur Lees secretary, Major John Thornton, was not only British but British secret service. When Stormont appeared at Versailles Vergennes assured him that the, Captain Conyngham had lost his ship on the last voyage, and was given command of the, The small matter was to be Conynghams capture of another British packet, this time the one plying to Holland. Islanders and continentals had worked out a prototype of the free trade which was one of Franklins major objectives. Franklin dealt with these suicidal moves in his usual oblique fashion. Factors Contributing to the American Victory - US History Revolutionaries were inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment including individual freedom. He had spent eighteen years in England as colonial agent and the last eighteen months at home in the Continental Congress. The Revolution precipitated a series of European wars, forcing the United States to articulate a clear policy of neutrality in order to avoid being embroiled in these European conflicts. The chief French ammunition dumps were Martinique and Cap Franois (now Cap Haitien) on Santo Domingo, known to seagoing Americans simply as the Cape. The Spanish shipped to New Orleans and Havana, and the British chose islands convenient to Washingtons chief arsenal, the Dutch island of St. Eustatia. Soon Franklin and Deane had a group of young men busy in the various ports, helping merchantmen and privateers speed on their way, informing them of shifts in French regulations and dangerous areas patrolled by British warships, recruiting French seamen to fill out depleted ships companies, finding masters for ships and ships for masters. On February i he urged that France enter her unavoidable war at once, and the next day gave Vergennes the personal pledge of the commissioners that if France entered the war the United States would not make a separate peace with Britain. Vergennes admitted that open assistance to the United States meant war, but war was in any case inevitable. The French, who had close touch with the Americans, were victorious in incorporating Enlightenment principles into a new governmental system. Accordingly, the Doctor held his peace. Wentworth reported to Eden that he had found Deane vain, desultory and subtle and indeed the commissioner must have had some difficulty keeping a straight face. How did the American Revolution contribute to the French Revolution Whenever Stormont got good evidence that France was shipping contraband to America or admitting American prizes to her ports, he drove to Versailles to make a formal protest. When Deane arrived in Paris in the summer of 1776 Arthur Lee rushed over from London. Naval affairs were stagnant; the privateers attracted all the able seamen. He helped Beaumarchais buy and fit out eight ships, prudently scattered in various ports: the, Amphitrite, Mercure, Flammand, Mre Bobie, Seine, Thrse, Amelia, Delays which were not the fault of Deane and Beaumarchais held up most of the fleet for months after lading. On July 23 he wrote a memoir to Louis XVI declaring that the moment had come when France must resolve either to abandon America or to aid her courageously and effectively. He urged a closer alliance to prevent a reunion of Britain and America. Vergennes had answered, Nous ne d sirons pas la guerre, mais nous ne la craignons pas. In sending on this encouraging word to Congress, Franklin added his own hopes about the Franco-British war: When all are ready for it, a small matter may suddenly bring it on.. Bancroft had sped to London, mainly to make a killing on the stock market, but he would not fail to bring George III the bad news. D.) It caused many French nobles and clergy to move to the newly independent United States. Representatives of the French and American governments signed the Treaty of Alliance and a Treaty of Amity and Commerce on February 6, 1778. At Passy Bancroft was a loved and trusted figure, and Vergennes so admired him that after the war he sent Bancroft on a highly confidential mission to Ireland. Within 50 years, the European empires in the Americas would shrink and new nations would spread across the whole of the Americas. Stormont subsided; England needed time too. France aided the colonists by providing military armaments and loans. His, Privateers could accomplish wonders, but they could not fight the great British ships of the line. Captain Pearson of the Speedwell had orders to follow any suspected American ship out to the open sea and there arrest her. Meanwhile, Grard warned, the negotiations must be kept secret. One of Conynghams prizes was recaptured by the British, who took her into Yarmouth.
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