The noun logos and the verb legein from the Greek mean to gather together, to lay one beside the other. Technology is the beholding of the essence of all things in advance (a priori) in the light of which human beings make and produce things and allows human beings to take a stand towards the things that are in the first place. There is no ancient or medieval system, an essential requirement for the reduction of the world to a picture. They are either accepted or rejected and no further discourse is possible about them. Nietzsche/Darwin: Part IX-B: Education, Ethics/Actions: Contemplative vs. Calculative Thinking. Does some knowledge belong only to particular communities of knowers? 19. . When we speak of owning knowledge, we are speaking about that which we have taken possession of for ourselves: I get it!, I understand and it is now mine. What is unknowable is as such because it is unnameable. To what extent is certainty attainable? To what areas of knowledge do the images/objects you have chosen belong? Herein arises the role of algebraic calculation: everything counts as existing when and only when it has been securely established as a calculable object for cognition. One might view the current war on terrorism in this light and a fruitful Exhibition can result from determining how this may be the case. They are the creators of the shadows within Platos Cave. In this search, we tend to look for things or at possible things which are far away from us rather than at those things that are nearest to us. Because reason is aratio,an account, if it is not given a judgement remains without justification. This is what Kant called his transcendental method. Until they become a thing, they are not knowable. New knowledge can change established values and beliefs in many different ways. If not, you will get a 0. For example, the statement: Mathematical knowledge is certain is a second-order knowledge claim because it is about mathematical knowledge, and the tools that are suggested by this prompt will usually be related to the knowledge that is produced mathematically. They are the predications of the subject that we call knowledge. can new knowledge change established values or beliefs objects. Underlying all this, even natural science with its mathematical calculations from within a frame, is the very idea of a world-picture. Our imposition on nature to bring about any ends that we may have in view presents us with challenges and dangers that are most difficult to understand and to overcome. Your email address will not be published. The ethical obligation is our actions and reflections on the things that are. In looking at the prompt in its most general form, what counts as experience at a given period depends on a prior interpretation of the world that is not itself derived from or vulnerable to experience. We commonly associate experiencing with an I, a subject or a consciousness. Current knowledge and historical knowledge is shown through the transition and transformation of language: language addresses itself to human beings in words that conceal the genuine face of Being. Only the completeness of the account, perfection, provides the evidence for the fact that every cognition everywhere and at all times can include and count on the objects and reckon with them. After having fought a Revolutionary War to replace someone who they believed was a tyrant (King George III), he claims that the USAs founding fathers wished to replace one form of tyranny with another. Can new knowledge change established values or beliefs? The concreteness of the Exhibition itself is a product of your work and you will provide the first order descriptions of the images and things you have chosen. The soul, when properly ordered, is given to us by Socrates in his prayer to Pan at the end of the dialogue Phaedrus: O dear Pan and all you gods here, grant it to me to become beautiful, to come into the correct condition in relation to what is in myself, what comes from inside, and grant that whatever I possess on the outside may be a friend to what is inner, and grant that I repute as rich the one who is wise, and grant that to me the amount of gold I possess in this world will have as much value for me and that I will claim for it only as much value as a man of understanding should claim.Socrates prayer is that his soul will become beautiful, and this means having its proper relation to the things themselves and for their correct limits; nothing in excess. and For what purpose? The Natural Sciences: Historical Background; Notes on Ancient Greek Philosophy and Modern Science. You might wish to consider how IT managers and creators mold our acquisition of knowledge by how they portray information as knowledge and how our language is being formed and manipulated by what is considered knowledge through this technology of the helmsmen. It is this that is the great paradigm shift of human being-in-the-world in the modern age and determines the actions that we choose to take and whom among us is sane or not. To conceive the self in terms of experiencing implies that it is either pieced together from intrinsically distinct, momentary experiences or as an underlying thread that persists unchanged throughout its experiences. It is assessed internally, but moderated externally. They are multiversities because their domains of knowledge exist within various world-pictures. Reasons must be given for the claims being made. We believe we have knowledge when our representations in our minds correspond to the things that we are inquiring about. It was the Greek fundamental experience of the being of beings which underlay, and gave rise to, both the subject-predicate form of their language (and, thus, our English language) and their conception of a thing as a subject (subjectum) with accidents (qualities, what we experience of the thing through sensory perception). A world-view is often arbitrary and peremptory. Can New Knowledge Change Establish Values or Beliefs | PDF Finally, you should also include appropriate citations and references. the permanent, unchanging things in contrast to the things that change. This object is a picture of a place that played a pivotal part on the reformism of casteism. -There were cruel beliefs linked with this system. TOK Exhibition by Hennd Benabderrazak - Prezi It is an infatuation with immediately given appearances on the basis of which all further experiences of the world are investigated, inquired about, and explained. values and beliefs of an individual because they discover something new to their ears, eyes and. The second example is a result of the system that is in place that allows beings to seen as how we wish to view them. Before the German philosopher Leibniz declaring the principle of reason astheprinciple, it lay in hiding in the darkness of our assumptions throughout Western history. Calling Him God or Father or whatever is not naming Him because what is lacking is knowledge by acquaintance and the terms used to describe Him are analogies or metaphors. The bias in the production of knowledge will be determined by the ends that have been chosen which will, in turn, determine the methods in which those ends will be achieved, usually unethical ones. Do we really know what we mean when we say counts? The Natural Sciences as an Area of Knowledge: We might begin a response to this prompt by saying that if there are things then they are knowable by the very fact of their being a thing. What is the relationship between personal experience and knowledge? As you know, you need to choose one of the 35 IA prompts to base your exhibition on. HOW WHY WHEn tOK Exhibition By Hennd IA Prompt: Can New Knowledge change established values or beliefs? your cognition of the things, should come to a greater light or understanding through this exercise. I have written extensively on this topic of personal knowledge on this blog site and recommend that you view the following links to find possible approaches in narrowing your focus on this broad topic: CT 1 Knowledge and the Knower: Empowerment; CT 1: Introduction to Theory of Knowledge: Knowledge and the Knower; CT 1: Self-Knowledge and Ethics. Arts purpose is to change the manner in which we see or view the world. His arguments appear to ignore the fact that it is the public who determines what their interests are and not an individual running for office. The principle to render sufficient reasons becomes the unconditional demand to render mathematically technically computable grounds for all that is: total rationalization. In responses to the other prompts, the interpretations of the key concepts in those prompts suggest that not only is objectivity possible, it is our way of being-in-the-world, for it is through our perceptions of things that we turn everything into an object; and it is only by being an object that we can begin any discussion of them and, thus, acquire any knowledge of them. They should also be applicable for other dealings with things, the things understood and delimited and defined by the project: from your three images or objects, it should be possible to expand the application of your interpretation to many other images or objects not included in the Exhibition. The purpose for this writing on these prompts is to provoke thought regarding our understanding of what the key concepts contained in the prompts might mean. what counts as good evidence. An account is an account only if it is handed over. What counts in a project is more like a decision than a discovery; it cannot be correct or incorrect: correctness, and criteria for it, only apply within the light shed by the project i.e. Technology istheoretical;the practical applications, its instrumentality, is secondary to this primary theoretical viewing. Bookmark. In determining the importance of the various tools that you may be choosing for your Exhibition, you will be making what is called a first order claim. What we call culture is derived from world-view. What do your choices of objects or images for this prompt indicate about you and the society of which you are a member? Understandably, considering different perspectives might be challenging sometimes. In Latin, this account is ratio:the ground of the truth of judgement isratio. fides} is the affirmation of, or conviction regarding, the truth of a proposition, whether or not one is in possession of evidence adequate to justify a claim that the proposition is known with certainty (the principle of sufficient reason). Perhaps in your study of Shakespeare you have come across the Elizabethan world-picture or order of being, but this is not how the Elizabethans viewed themselves; this understanding is a later German understanding. Why is an alternative approach necessary? This prompt is one that many students will opt for as it will not be too difficult to define the types of knowledge and their use through objects or images. Prompt 11: Can new knowledge change established values and beliefs? The what and the how of the object is already pre-determined and the inquiry is to find an understanding of the why. After the mind has done so, the rendering of sufficient reasons is what counts as good evidence and a good explanation, and provides the justification for the knowledge claim made about the thing. If we speak of technology, the products of technology, our computers, hand phones, military hardware and logistics, these are all examples of the principle of reasons striving for perfectibility. Your Exhibition is a rendering that is handed over to others i.e. The German philosopher Nietzsche once wrote: The scholars dig up what they themselves buried. The human observer becomes part of the system that is being investigated in the experiment and, ultimately, determines its outcome. How important are material tools in the production or acquisition of knowledge? can new knowledge change established values or beliefs objects. It is this gap in our knowledge of what is our own and what is not that is a great mystery for us if we give thought to it. Scepticism and doubt are the proper approaches to claims made by experts in many areas of knowledge. How does this statement relate to why human beings seek knowledge? Techneis a know how that is established and derived from a knowledge by acquaintance or epistemology. The German philosopher Nietzsche once wrote: To stamp becoming with the character of being that is the supreme will to power (WP 617). Without such reckoning up (algorithms, for example) our computers and hand phones would be quite useless because they could not have come into existence. It is obvious that such seeing of possibilities and potentialities is dependent upon the techneof the technological viewing and those who proceed with unethical actions will do so because they believe some personal end which will bring about their own personal eudaimoniaor happiness will be the result, and they will do so under a sense of duty or be just following the orders of their superiors. God, for example, is not a thing in that he is not calculable or measurable within the overall parameters of time and space positions and locations. 16. You are required to provide a good explanation of why you have chosen the objects/images for your Exhibition and to show a good explanation of how they are related. It may be useful to you to determine which prompts belong to the same sub-group in terms of their main theme. The choice of the prompt is crucial for the outcome or product that you will produce or bring forth and hold forth upon. What is a world-view and how does it differ from a world-picture which can be associated with mindsets, systems, subjectivity and, thus, with the various understandings of what a culture is? The principle of reason founds all principles as principles.
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