As you can guess from its name, the striped markings help to identify this beetle. Ground beetles are harmless creatures and are more of a nuisance in the home. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. Females typically lay their eggs near food sources, and they will also lay them near dog food. With a narrow waist between the thorax and abdomen and narrow antennae (Photo 1), they are easily recognized. She spent nine years working in laboratory and clinical research. Some are also important consumers . The real concern with spread is the relocation of infested firewood to non-infested areas. These widely-distributed ground beetles are large, with species measuring between 0.59 and 0.82 (15 21 mm). If the beetles get disturbed or startled, they will quickly fly away. Finally, at the end of the article, youll get helpful tips on getting rid of ground beetles. 17. Crickets are brown to black in color. The Asian longhorned beetle is a beetle native to Asia that can also be found in some parts of the United States, including Michigan. Stenolophus ground beetles. For example, the spotted pine sawyer (M. clamator), black pine sawyer (M. galloprovincialis), and the Japanese pine sawyer beetle (M. alternatus). Top image: Scaphinotus elevatus (the eastern snail eater). It is considered endangered. Some species of this beetle also have the word pine in the common name. Enigmatically disjunct collections include the myrmecophile, Helluomorphoides nigripennis from . A tiger beetle (six-spotted tiger beetle, Cicindela sexguttata), as you are most likely to see it, from a distance. The ground beetles also burrow into the ground. You will find the black-spotted beetles feeding on plant nectar when they are active from May until August. You will find them crawling on the ground. This information is for educational purposes only. Size 2 (5 cm). Tiger beetles are predators with fierce jaws and eyes on the back of their heads. The state of Michigan hosts hundreds of species of beetles. They feed mostly at night and are attracted to porch lights and other exterior lights. It is not just potato crops that they decimate, these potato beetles also feed on other plants in the nightshade family. Adults spend the daytime resting at or just below the soil surface and hunt for predators in the evening and night. See all Gardening in Michigan programs and resources, See a list of Gardening in Michigan experts, Read the latest Gardening in Michigan news, 1998 Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Why we care: These tiny insects secrete white wax as they feed on sap from hemlock shoots and branches. They can eat plants or animals or fungi or even dung, depending on the type of beetle. Originally from Europe, the scarlet lily beetle is a destructive garden pest now found in Canada and the U.S. Adult beetles emerge in June or July and feed throughout the summer. Clockwise from top left: Stenolophus tentonus, Stenolophus ochropezus and Stenolophus lineola. In addition, ground beetles have strong pincer-like mandibles, six legs, and two long antennae. These predatory beetles support lawn and garden health by eating soil-dwelling pests, like maggots, snails, slugs, and cutworms. This particular species is small and has brownish or orange-colored legs and antennae of the same color. Quentin Tyler, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. Stag beetles belong to the family Lucanidae and there are 4 subfamilies in the group. Midwest Invasive Species Information Network (MISIN) online reporting tool, Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area. They run fast, and only hunt at night. If a species is prohibited or restricted, it is unlawful to possess, introduce, import, sell or offer that species for sale as a live organism, except under certain circumstances, the Michigan DNR says. Asian long-horned beetles are large black beetles with speckled markings and long antennae. Top image: Pennsylvania ground beetle (Harpalus pensylvanicus). According to BugGuide "adults are nocturnal predators on other insects.". MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. Fungus Beetles and Pleasing Fungus Beetles (39) Ground Beetles (212) Tiger Beetles (61) Grubs (88) Lady Bug (98) Leaf Beetles (290) Flea Beetles (19) Tortoise Beetles (62) Longhorn Beetles (1049) Metallic Borer Beetles (160) Minute Brown Scavenger Beetles (1) Net-Winged Beetles (42) Pantry Beetles, Grain Weevils, Spider Beetles, Meal Worms and . Lebia grandis is a beneficial ground beetle with a broad black oval body with blue-green iridescent undertone, an orange head, and a distinctive orange band at the base of its wing covers. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. The red milkweed beetle is a type of brightly red-colored longhorn beetle with black spots. ; Behavior: There are more than 2,600 species of ground beetles belonging to the family Carabidae.Most species are slightly flat with a small head, large thorax and long antennae. ), Brachininae spp., and Pennsylvania ground beetles (Harpalus spp.). However, other more exotic beetles in this genus have a shiny metallic luster. The black carpet beetle is a small black beetle that lives in homes and other structures. Most are specialists in few kinds, but some, like ground beetles, eat lots of things. David Lowenstein, Michigan State University Extension - Ground beetles are usually black or brown, often shiny, and often have lengthwise grooves on the elytra. Egg-laying occurs at the start of the summer once the adult beetles have had enough time to feed on plant material. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. Biogeographic Regions nearctic native palearctic native oriental native ethiopian native neotropical native oceanic islands native What kind of habitat do they need? Largest Beetles: Reddish-brown Stag Beetle, Asian long-horned Beetle, Emerald Ash Borer Beetle, Smallest Beetles: Black Carpet Beetle, Varied Carpet Beetle, Drugstore Beetle, Most Common Beetles: Black Carpet Beetle, Varied Carpet Beetle, Asiatic Garden Beetle, Japanese Beetle. The list below showcases all Beetles related to the state/territory of Michigan currently in the database. They are also found in landscapes and around homes, especially in August. They also have a distinct shape, with a thin waist between the thorax and a flat edge of the abdomen. These large ground-dwelling beetles have a recognizable black oval abdomen, rusty brown thorax, and small black heads. The green June beetle gets its name from the fact it is prevalent in early summer during the day. Since they use their pincers when threatened, this beetle is also known as the pinching beetle. Suppose you notice a yellow beetle on cucumber plants with black stripes on its elytra. These beetles are common near bodies of water and can be found in oak and maple trees. The other is Hungerfords crawling water beetle, an aquatic species. Top picture: Carabus glabratus. This small Eurasian bee beetle measures 0.39 (10 mm). The beetle has been detected in New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Ohio and Ontario, Canada. Beetles are classified into groups of insects that have hard exoskeletons, wings, and most species have pincers or mandibles on their front. However, they can also feed on plants like foxtail, lambsquarters, and redroot pigweed. The beetles are most active in spring when they attack seed corn and can destroy crops. Beetles from this group are also referred to as rhinoceros beetles. Its bright red coloring acts as a warning to potential predators. The beetle has a domed yellow elytra with 12 black spots, a yellow thorax, and a black head. The common name of these insects comes from their ability to drill into types of softwood. However, they all have one distinctive habit in common. Beetles eat all kinds of food. Rounded shape with a bright orange color and black spots. Scarab beetle with black blotches on flattened yellow wing cases. Non-Watch List species should be reported using the Midwest Invasive Species Information Network (MISIN) online reporting tool or the MISIN smartphone app. There are over 2,600 species of beetle in this group with many variations in body color, size, and shape. The red-headed cardinal beetle has a distinctive narrow red thorax and head with black serrated antennae and legs. The antennae are usually longer than the body length of the adult beetle, which is why the beetle was dubbed "longhorned.". Some beetles prey on harmful insects and are considered . However, the distinguishing feature is the noticeable thin waist of ground beetles in the Scarites genus. In fact, the old English word for beetle literally means little biter.. During large outbreaks, debris and frass from feeding caterpillars can be disruptive to outdoor activities. Many can give off bad-tasting chemicals. Bluegrass Billbug. The false bombardier beetle is a black beetle with reddish-brown legs, thorax, and a slender black head. Call us at (425) 485-6059. Some species of stag beetle grow up to 4.7 (12 cm). They eat soft-bodied insects, such as caterpillars and aphids, while doing no harm to garden plants. Although the males can be aggressive to each other, they rarely bite humans with their mandibles. If uncertain whether Scarites occur in your garden, you can set up a pitfall trap, a mechanism used for sampling soil-dwelling insects (Photo 3). Ground beetles were sampled in hydric, mesic, and xeric habitats in which black ( Fraxinus nigra Marshall), green ( Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall), and white ( Fraxinus americana L.) ash were the most common species, respectively. They have elongated oval wing cases with noticeable ridges. Generously Supported By: Latest Updates. There are nearly 200 species of carpet beetles in the subfamily Attageninae. Beetles are winged insects in the order Coleoptera, and they have chewing mouthparts called mandibles. Soldier beetles from the family Cantharidae have long straight bodies without any curvature. While this may sound frightening, ground beetles in the genus Scarites are a regular occurrence below and at the soil surface. You can take some warm, soapy water . The ninebark calligraphy beetle is a shiny bright red leaf beetle with black spots, stripes, and curved patterns on its wing covers. When it detects a potential prey insect nearby, the larva will rapidly eject the top half of its body from the hole, jaws outstretched. This red beetle gets its common name from the calligraphy-like markings on its back. They are most active at night and are responsible for eating anything from snails to slugs . BTA Egg Lay. There are also color variations with this beetle species, with some having red wing cases with complex black patterns. It also frequently inhabits decaying woods in the forest because of this. Lower classifications of beetles are categorized by their ability to fly, colors, long antennae, swimming ability, and head shape. This black beetle is a non-descript black color with ridged lines down its wing cover. The tremendous range of Michigan bugs extends from beneficial, to benign, to invasive, to toxic. Property owners may elect to control these species on their own property using best management practices. To set a pitfall trap, dig a hole, place a 12-16 ounce plastic party cup underground with the lid flush at ground level, and wait 24-48 hours for insects to fall into the cup. Stenolophus is a large genus of ground beetle commonly found in North America. A sawyer beetle infestation can destroy up to 40% of the value of pine logs due to tunnels they bore in the wood. They enter homes through cracks in doors, foundations, and windows. However, depending on the light, the ground beetle could appear black, blue, or metallic bronze. Another type of large green beetle is the green June beetle in the lower classification Scarabaeidae (scarab beetle). The difference between beetles and bugs gets confusing because some beetles have the word bug in their common name. Researchers say this black ground beetle is not dangerous or harmful to humans or property. Some of the most interesting animals found here are coyotes, foxes, cougars, river otters, beavers, bears . Due to Michigans varied climate and distinct seasons, beetles appear in higher numbers at different times of the year. The best way to control ground beetles is to prevent them from entering your home. The Green June Beetle is common in early summer and is similar to the figeater beetle. Diet: Adults feed on the foliage of ash trees, while the larvae tunnel and feed on the underside of the bark and cut off the transportation of nutrients and water to the tree. Fireflies are nocturnal beetles that glow in the dark. Lets look at some of the most common beetles you are likely to find in your garden, in forests, or scurrying through your house. Female moths are larger than males and do not fly. Color variations include bright metallic green, dark iridescent purple, or matted black. The native ground beetle has rounded elytra with purple or violet iridescent patterns. One of the beetles found in Michigan is the Japanese beetle. These flies are most active in the late spring, when they emerge to feed and mate. Found in Southwestern U.S. states and near decaying material. Bugs overwinter in warm, sheltered areas including buildings. During this time, they can cause destruction to carpets and cloth items. The black or iridescent blue beetle with its rusty orange head is a valuable control insect for Colorado potato beetles (Leptinotarsa decemlineata).